Pride Is A Pain

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So Goku told us about how cell absorbed android 17 and how Piccolo and Tien almost died. But thankfully Goku remembered he could instant transmission and save them. He also told us how the device was completed and we could now destroy the androids. So Cell can't absorb them as well.

"Well what are we waiting for?" I ask.

"Exactly." Vegeta yells. "I'll squash him like the bug he is!"

"Wait! I made armor so you guys can change. It looks like you all need too." She giggles a bit looking to see our clothes beaten up.

I hand her back Trunks and then we go and grab the spandex, and armor. They are all the same. Blue spandex long sleeve and the armor Vegeta would usually wear. I walk away to be alone to only have Vegeta follow me.

"Excuse me prince." I say noticing him with me. He just glances at me as he sets the clothes down. "May I help you?"

He smirks. "Yes. Remove my armor."

You sigh, placing your stuff next to his and take it off. "I didn't really mean it. I was wondering why you followed me." Smiling a bit.

"Your my mate and I can do as I please."

You kiss his cheek as the armor falls to the floor. He holds out his hand and you give him a look that's say 'what the fuck'. "Do it yourself. Your hands aren't broken. Besides I still have to get changed." Backing away so you can undo your armor. But you see Vegeta come towards you and help you take off the armor. Then his hand back at you.

After about 20 minutes you are both changed. Vegeta was being stubborn so you ended up taking off his clothes as he just ripped off your clothes. You smack his arm only to earn a chuckle then you dressed yourself and helped Vegeta put on his armor again just so he didn't complain. But as you were bending to pick it up he smacked your ass earning another smack to his arm.

Anyway. We were finally walking out and Vegeta gave me a quick kiss. "Time to squash this bug." then left.

Me and Trunks sigh since for the last month he's been saying that. I looked at Trunks and he nods then follows Vegeta.

"Well. Looks like I'm going to go to. Just to make sure everything goes well." You say as you just about to follow.

"Wait. Y/N. Check on Krillin first and make sure he found the androids. We can't have Cell absorbing them as well."

"Okay. No problem." You smile at her then wave to Goku and Gohan and leave to find Krillin.

After about 15 minutes I see Krillin cowering behind a rock. I'm way above him so he can't see me. And around the corner is the androids? I see Vegeta kicking the crap out of cell in super saiyan form which makes me smile. As I land next to Krillin super sneaky like. "Krillin." Making him jump and almost crush the remote. "Sorry." I laugh nervously for a second.

"Hey..." He says sheepishly.

"Are you gonna press the button or do you have to be closer? Bulma wanted me to check to see how it was going and  you needed help but you see-"

He cutted me off "closer.." He says.

"Oh. Okay. Well let's go." I say.

He nods and leads on. I can tell he's nervous but he approached the androids. "Ugh hey guys."He says sheepishly which makes me completely confused.

"Krillin Your suppose to blow them up not talk." I snap at him.

"So come to kill us then." Android 18 says looking at the remote. "Well I won't be having that. That dumb ass just ate my brother. In not going anywhere." She says angrily.

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