"So, what is it?"

Andrea's voice was low. The look in his eyes was all that was needed to have him nod in return. Looking at Luc the order rang clear. Stay vigilant and aware. Ormanno and Savas stood straighter scanning faces. Lorenzo walked back into the shadows as fast as he had first made his being known, as quick as a flash. Andrea stood closer to Luc as they whispered strategy in case of needing to run. His hand rested in his pocket. There were no questions, they were all armed to the nines under whatever they wore. He took the lack of conversation towards him as the signal he could leave, blend into the shadows.

"Tecero." Luc's voice had him turn his head.

"Keep an eye on la tua donna."

He nodded in response. The others smiled at the thoughts of how much they would tease him with Lisa. But Luc knew all about his doubts. He confided in his older brother of his suspicions. From the day he met her he knew his capretta was hiding something. He caught it in her gaze the second their eyes met. The way they met replayed in his mind and yet here he was pretending, playing along. He had a job to do and he was damn well going to carry it out with precision. It did not matter what he was starting to feel for her. How she perfectly fit into his side and fit into his family like she was one of them, with every laugh and memory she created with them. It was just another periodic game of cat and mouse and he wasn't going to lose. He would break his capretta. But he felt none of the usual joy he normally did at the specific thought.

She felt unwanted calmness as he made his way towards her. The man stood a head taller than almost everyone present so she watched his head bob with every step he took towards her. She made no move to walk in any direction but rather bared herself to her predator. His actions were measured, talking all of her in as she picked up her second bourbon of the night. She had watched him closely like every now and then. The way he and his brothers conversed. It wasn't obvious but hinted, the men were prepared tonight, heavily armed under whatever they wore.

Her smile directed at him was lazy and sexy. They way her elbows rested against the bar counter pushed her small chest out and toned stomach. Her right leg peeked out the slit of her dress that hugged her form. It swung back and forth teasingly just like the rest of her. She was built, healthy and undeniably skilled. She was too comfortable to show fear like most women here displayed. Wisps of white hair framed high check bones and fleshy red lips. A strand of black sat cushioned in the long bob white as snow that she had pinned into some sort of bun at the back of her head. Hazel eyes leisurely took his frame in. They were by far the most dressed down couple here. But that seemed to have no affect on her. Stopping in front of her, he took her drink downing it in one go before hands held her by her waist between his legs. He turned abruptly so he was the one leaning against the bar, her hands snaked up his pecs around his neck running through his cropped hair.

"Capretta." He greeted her raising a hand asking for another bourbon.

"Maiale," she responded her smile sickeningly sweet.

"Cucciolo," he replied smirking a hand resting against the curvature of her back above her ass.

Head dipping he stole her breath away with one of his fiery kisses. It was hit and hungry, his lips soft as velvet against hers. She could feel her heart thrumming against her rib cage. He radiated warmth that she basked in subconsciously snuggly closer into his form ignoring the deadly glares of women around them. Her hands slithering around his waist anchoring him to her. And she let out the most contempt of sighs to have ever escaped her. He was wearing down her armour and she was reluctant to fight back. She wished she could forget everything and just remain here. With him.

He didn't appreciate the lustful stares she got by passing men. He wasn't a man of many words but he knew the kiss cleared any thoughts away. The act was full of possession and claim. She was his woman his doubting and the secrets between them be damned at this point. No one could deny the chemistry between them. He couldn't deny the feelings that arose in him. Nor the way she felt like home.

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