Chapter VIII

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Aubrey had finished her doula exam and was back in her apartment waiting for Stacie to arrive. It was creeping up to midday and Stacie still hadn't come back and Aubrey was getting worried. Stacie was usually back by now but Aubrey hadn't heard anything from the younger woman. Aubrey still felt terrible about what happened and she even texted Stacie apologising profusely but she didn't receive a reply. No matter how hard she tried, Aubrey just couldn't get to Stacie and the blonde decided to give the brunette her space and talk to her when she was ready.

A few more hours passed and Aubrey was in the living room watching one of her TV shows with a glass of wine when Stacie unlocked the door and walked into the apartment still in the same clothes she wore yesterday.

"Stacie!" Aubrey put her wine down and leapt off the couch. "Stacie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I-"

"I don't want to hear it, Aubrey," Stacie's tone was clipped and she didn't even make eye contact with the woman.

Aubrey swallowed as she watched Stacie walk past her and by that, Aubrey knew she was in trouble. She never saw Stacie this way and knowing that she was the cause of Stacie's sadness felt like Aubrey had a knife driven through her heart.

"Stacie, please. I'm sorry. If you'd just let me-"

"I said I don't want to hear it, Aubrey!" Stacie snapped, turning around and glaring at the blonde. "You made your point. You hurt me. Job well done. I'm tired so I'm going to get something to eat then go to bed." Stacie turned back around and walked into the kitchen where she grabbed herself some food and a drink.

"Where have you been?" Aubrey asked.

"None of your business." Stacie opened the fridge and had to lean forward to get what she wanted but her hair got in her face so she pulled it to one side, revealing a bunch of purple marks on her neck that definitely weren't there the day before.

Aubrey swallowed hard, jealous anger filling her quickly.

"I'm sorry, Stacie. Please, just talk to me. I didn't mean what I said. I was just so stressed out about my exam and I-"

"So that makes it okay, does it?" Stacie glared at Aubrey once more. "That makes it okay for you to just lash out, insult me, and make me feel like shit?"

"No, I-"

"You expect me to just brush it off because you said you're sorry and gave me reasons why you did it? That's supposed to make it right, is it?"

"No, it's not but I'm just telling you what was going through my mind when it happened. I didn't even realise I said it and what it actually meant until after and I cannot tell you just how sorry I am. I didn't mean it. I really, really didn't. I can't believe I said it and the last thing I want is to hurt you."

"Since when do you care about how I feel? The only thing you care about is yourself and when your next orgasm is. Let's face it, Aubrey, we're just using each other but if this is how it's gonna be then I suggest we stop it because I'm not taking it anymore."

"What? No, it's not-"

"Look, I'm too tired to talk about this right now. I had a long night and I didn't get much sleep so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to catch up on some well-needed rest." Stacie grabbed her things and walked down the hallway, locking herself in her bedroom.

Aubrey was left standing in the kitchen with her fists clenched at her sides, failing to keep her anger and jealousy in check. Aubrey didn't want to admit it but over the past week, since the two women had been sleeping with each other, Aubrey had found herself getting feelings for the brunette. It wasn't just because of the sex. Once Aubrey relaxed and let her guard down a bit, she realised that Stacie was actually a funny and smart young woman and that the two of them had things in common. They got along really well and the tension in the air dissipated once they started sleeping together. For the first time, Aubrey felt relaxed around Stacie and she enjoyed her company. The two of them would have dinner, watch TV, talk, cook, clean, and do other things around the apartment together. Looking back, Aubrey could see that they were actually in a relationship but not officially. They acted like a couple but just had a lot more sex than a 'normal' couple did.

Aubrey's mind was filled with mixed emotions. She didn't want to catch feelings for Stacie but it just happened as all things happened. At first, the sex was casual, fun, and exciting and it still was, but not too long after it began, Aubrey felt this pull to the brunette that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She ignored it but when the topic of Stacie sleeping with someone else surfaced, the blonde found herself getting wound up and tense. She hated the thought and hated the potential person who would sleep with Stacie. Just the thought, whether it was real or not, gave rise to so many unwanted feelings in Aubrey. However, Stacie and Aubrey never actually agreed to anything. They just began having random sex whenever they felt like it. There was no rule but that didn't matter because in Aubrey's eyes, Stacie was hers and anyone who thought they could share the brunette with the blonde was wrong - dead wrong and God help them if their paths ever crossed with Aubrey's.

Aubrey stood in the living room by herself, going over Stacie's words over and over again, making the blonde feel even worse about herself. She knew she messed up and it was on her to make things right again, which felt impossible. Aubrey had no idea what she could do until she took a little leaf from Chloe's book. Whenever Chloe and Beca got into an argument, Chloe would go out of her way to make Beca forgive her, which consisted of doing something that would make Beca happy such as ordering in her favourite food for dinner or getting her some new mixing equipment or, depending on the level of seriousness of their argument, buy a new set of lingerie, which NEVER failed to get Beca to come around. Aubrey had quite the selection to chose from but she knew that Stacie was an absolute sucker for Aubrey's body so a new set of lingerie sounded good to the older woman.

With that idea in mind, Aubrey quickly changed out of her sweatpants and into her jeans then grabbed her keys and strode out the front door determined to make things right between her and her roommate.

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