Chapter III

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Aubrey couldn't get what happened earlier that morning out of her head. Every time she closed her eyes, Stacie's bare ass projected in her mind. Aubrey couldn't escape it and the odd thing was that Aubrey wasn't sure how to feel about it. If it was anyone else, Aubrey would have looked away disgusted but she didn't. She continued to stare and take in the sight until Stacie stood up. And what was that wink about? Aubrey asked herself. She was completely confused as to why Stacie did that and why her tone was... flirty. Aubrey thought she could have been reading the situation wrong and that's what she was leaning more towards since the whole concept of Stacie actually flirting with her was preposterous. And besides, Aubrey wasn't like that. She had far bigger things to worry about like her job as a doula in training, which consumed A LOT of her time.

"Bree? Hello? Aubrey!"

"Huh?" Aubrey snapped out of her daze when her best friend called out to her.

"Where were you?" Chloe asked, sitting back down at their table after going to the bathroom.

It was Saturday and Aubrey had agreed to have lunch with the redhead. So the two of them were at a nice little restaurant and since Chloe loved summer, she insisted that they sit outside to eat. Thankfully, it wasn't that hot yet where sitting outside wasn't an option.

"Oh, nothing," Aubrey said simply.

Chloe cocked her head to the side and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Bree, come on. You know you can't lie to me. What's been distracting you? You haven't been yourself today."

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Aubrey," Chloe spoke more firmly.

Aubrey sighed. "It's just... Stacie."

"What about her?"

"I don't know. I... I really don't know. Something happened this morning and I don't know if it's just my imagination or... what?"

"What happened?"

"Well, this morning she left to go out and she dropped her keys. So she picked them up but her ass was pointed right at me and because she was wearing such a short skirt, I could see under it and I could see that she was wearing a g-string."

"Oh wow,"

"Yeah, but that's not the part that's got me. When she stood up, she said goodbye in this... low, flirty tone then gave me a wink then left!"


"Yeah, so I don't know what to think. You would have had to have been there to actually get a grasp at what happened."

"What do you think about it?"

"I don't know. As I said, I don't know whether I'm imagining it or not."

"Well, considering you're pretty blind to when people make advances on you, I think it's pretty safe to say that you weren't imagining it."

"So what does that mean then?"

"It could mean a lot of things but by the sound of it, it seems like Stacie was probably flirting with you or something."

Aubrey's cheeks flushed.

"W, why would she do that?"

"I don't know. You said that she's quite sexually active so maybe she's trying to get a rise out of you or something. I don't know. Did she catch you staring?"

"No, I looked away."

"Before or after she stood up?" The cocky smirk on Chloe's face was too big for Aubrey's liking.

"What are you trying to get at?"

"Nothing, I'm just saying, a lot of the topic conversations have been around Stacie that's all."


"So maybe... there's something... there?"

"What?" Aubrey snorted. "Of course not! She's a pain in my ass!"

"Yes, but you like her ass."


"What?" The redhead giggled. "I'm just stating facts! Stacie gave you an opportunity to check her out and you did and she obviously liked it."

"Well, if that's the case then why did she go out today?"

"She was probably testing the waters. Just because one test went well doesn't mean you can go ahead with a massive exam. It's all trial and error with these things. Do you like her?"

"No, of course I don't. Stacie is my roommate and nothing more."

"But you'd like it to be something more, right?" Chloe teased.

"Chloe, enough! We're done discussing this."

"Okay, fine. Just one last question."


"How do you feel whenever she goes out and comes back the next day?"

Aubrey stared at her best friend, not wanting to answer.

"I don't care," Aubrey lied and Chloe knew it but the redhead also knew not to pry any further since Aubrey was becoming agitated.

"Alright, well, let me know how it goes then and remember that I'm here if you need to talk."

"I know, thanks."


"So, what's the hobbit doing today?"

Chloe tutted with an eye roll. "She's not a hobbit, or a midget, or anything else derogatory. She's been called into work today so she's there until three then we're going out to a movie then to dinner."

"But doesn't she hate movies?"

"Yes, but I quickly persuaded her to go to one..." Chloe winked.

"Ugh, sorry I asked."

"Seriously, when are you two going to get along?"

"When she stops trying to annoy me on purpose."

"Well, maybe if you lighten up a little, she'll stop."

Aubrey rolled her eyes in disbelief as the waiter brought their food out.

"Mm, yes! I'm starving!" Chloe dug into her lamb while Aubrey ate her chicken salad.

While the two ate, Aubrey's mind kept falling back onto Stacie and more so, Stacie's ass and the flirty tone and wink that accompanied it. The more Aubrey thought about it, the more confused she got about the situation and the more confused she got about her feelings. Aubrey was never one for being in a relationship since she was always work orientated and put other things before her love life. But over the past two weeks, Aubrey began noticing things like how the way she'd catch Stacie looking at her when she thought the blonde wasn't looking and vice versa. Aubrey didn't think much of it, she didn't even realise that she was starting at Stacie from afar but it was clear that it certainly didn't NOT mean anything anymore.

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