Chapter V

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"Stacie Conrad! What the HELL have you done?" Aubrey roared when she walked into the kitchen and saw it a complete mess.

There was flour everywhere, spilt milk, egg shells on the floor, and pancake batter all over the stove. Aubrey was horrified. She had never seen so much mess in her life let alone in her OWN kitchen.

"Mm? What's wrong?" Stacie peered up from the couch that she passed out on last night, covered in flour and batter.

"What's wrong? Look at the state of the kitchen!"

Stacie looked up and saw the mess.

"What the Hell happened?"

"Oh, yeah, well, I told you that I wanted pancakes and you said sure so I went for it. Turns out I'm not as good a cook as I think I am when I'm drunk."

"I said sure to having pancakes in the morning! Not last night!"

"Oh... Well, I was drunk so you can't really blame me."

"Can't really-" Aubrey ran her hands through her hair. "You need to clean this up right now. I CANNOT have this kitchen looking like this any longer!"

"Okay, just calm down, Posen. Let me have a coffee first then I'll get right on it." Stacie got up from the couch and rubbed her head that was thumping.

"No, you'll get right on it NOW. It's filthy and it's only a matter of time before we attract ants and God only knows what else!"

"Would you stop being so overdramatic!" Stacie said, walking into the kitchen. "Look, I'll clean it up in a minute, okay? I'm hungover and I just want a coffee before I do anything. Surely, that's not too much to ask!"

"It's not MY fault that you went out last night and got stupid drunk! This is YOUR mess so you need to clean it!"

"And I will AFTER my coffee!" Stacie started to make her coffee until Aubrey stormed over and stopped her.

"No, you'll clean up your mess now. No coffee until you do."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Now get cleaning."

Stacie breathed a laugh, taken aback by just how serious Aubrey was for her to clean up her mess.

"You're really going to piss me off first thing in the morning while I have a raging hangover?"

"Again, that's not my fault, so get cleaning," Aubrey said through gritted teeth, clearly losing her patience.

"After my coffee," Stacie growled back.

Aubrey glowered at the brunette. The two of them were so close they could feel each other's breath on their face. But Aubrey wasn't back down and neither was Stacie. They both had points to make and they'd be damned if they let the other win. So, Aubrey unplugged the coffee machine then threw a wet cloth at the brunette's face.

"Clean!" Aubrey ordered.

"Did you seriously just do that?"

"Yes, I did so clean!"

"That's it! I've had enough of your shit!" Stacie threw the cloth back at Aubrey, hitting the blonde right in the face.

"How dare you!" Aubrey gasped then grabbed a cup, filled it with water, and splashed it all over Stacie's sweater.

"You fucking bitch!" Stacie grabbed the milk carton and threw it at Aubrey, soaking her in warm milk.

Aubrey looked down at her soaked attire then rushed over to Stacie and pushed her angrily.

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