Chapter I

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Aubrey Posen was having the worst of luck when she was looking for a new roommate. It had been two weeks since her last roommate left her and Aubrey wasn't sure how much longer she could have gone without having someone to share the rent with. The blonde was getting worried. All of the applicants that she met with were just too unreliable and unacceptable people to live with. Aubrey was an extremely picky person when it came to finding a roommate. She was lucky enough to get the one she just had but it only lasted about a month before the girl couldn't cope with Aubrey's controlling and bossy nature. Aubrey liked order and she couldn't see anything wrong with that, not even after her roommate left because of it.

One afternoon, Aubrey was sat in her apartment with her best friend Chloe who told the blonde that she needed to not be so picky and just find someone decent to live with. She said that they would never be like Aubrey and if they were they would clash instantly. So Aubrey agreed and was going to meet a girl who just moved over from D.C and was in desperate need of somewhere to say while she got settled and started out her new life. If Aubrey wasn't so desperate, she would have rejected the woman but she couldn't live on her own forever. Aubrey used to live with Chloe but the redheaded women met and quickly fell in love with a younger woman named Beca, who Aubrey didn't get along with. Beca was the complete opposite of Aubrey but Chloe loved Beca and Beca loved Chloe. That was two years ago and Chloe was sure had never been happier. But that's another story.

Aubrey was in her kitchen doing some final cleaning before she heard a knock on her door. The blonde made her way over and opened it up to find a tall brunette with long legs, blue eyes, and quite sizable breasts smiling at her.

"Hey! Aubrey, right?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Hi, I'm Stacie. We talked over the phone?"

"Yes, hello, Stacie. Come in."

"Thanks," Stacie walked into Aubrey's apartment and Aubrey quickly got a look at the woman while she wasn't looking.

It was springtime so Stacie was wearing jeans, wedges, and a thin blue sweater, which had quite the plunging neckline. Her hair was down and wavy but most importantly to Aubrey, it was clean. Stacie kept a neat appearance and that was a good start for Aubrey.

"Please, take a seat," said Aubrey, motioning to the pristine white couch in the middle of the room.

"Thanks," Stacie sat and watched Aubrey sit across from her on another matching couch.

"So, I trust that you've read over the contract?"

"Yes," Stacie nodded.

"Do you have any questions?"

"No, the actual apartment contract seems fair."

"But not the living arrangement one?"

"You're a bit strict don't you think?"

"I like a neat environment and I like people to be mindful and respectful. I don't think that's asking for a lot."

"No guests after 9 pm seems quite authoritative to me."

"You are welcome to have guests over during the day and that's plenty of time - twelve hours actually. I don't think that it's unfair of me to want to have the apartment to myself at night."

"I don't think it's unfair of me wanting to have some company at night either."

Aubrey swallowed hard as the brunette maintained strong eye contact.

"I'm not forcing you to live here, Miss Conrad. You can leave and look for somewhere else to live but as you are well aware, good apartments these days are hard to come by, especially at the price I'm offering."

Stacie pursed her lips. Aubrey was right. She needed this place even if it was with a tightass blonde who was a control freak.

"Where do I sign then?" Stacie asked and Aubrey tried hard not to grin at her success.

"Just here," Aubrey pointed to the contract on the coffee table that was in front of Stacie.

The brunette sighed then signed her name to the contract.

"Excellent!" Aubrey smiled, taking the contract away. "Thank you for that. You can move in right away. Your room is just down the hall and it's the one on the right. Straight ahead is the bathroom and next to the bathroom is the laundry. I hope you find everything sufficient."

"Thanks. I'll move my stuff in tomorrow."

"No problem." Aubrey stood then held out her hand. "Welcome to your new home."

Stacie stood and shook the blonde's hand. "Thank you."

With that, Stacie left the apartment and Aubrey sighed with relief before grabbing her phone and texting Chloe.

Aubrey: Got myself a new roommate although she challenged me about the living arrangements.

Chloe: YAY!!! I knew you could do it! I would be surprised if she didn't challenge you! But she accepted so not all has to be bad. Remember, she's just sharing the rent with you. Remembering her application form, she didn't sound like too much trouble. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Aubrey: Thanks. How's it going with you and the hobbit?

Chloe: Don't call her that! She's my badass little elf. ;)

Aubrey: Whatever you call her. How's it going?

Chloe: Amazing. We went out on a lunch date today and it was so romantic. She got me flowers then sang me a song that she wrote for me. I've never been so in love...

Aubrey: I'm happy for you, even if it is with that little alt-girl who loves to piss me off.

Chloe: She knows she can rile you up easily not to mention your opposing personalities. If you eased up a bit you two would probably get along.

Aubrey: I doubt that but I'm glad you're happy. Wish me luck with my new roommate.

Chloe: You don't know if you don't try. Good luck! xxx

Aubrey smiled at the message then went down the hall to take a relaxing bath.

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