Chapter 7: A Powerful Weapon

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Jesse didn't get to finish her sentence, both her and Lukas's attention immediately drawn to the loud thud.

"What was that?" She asked uncertainly.

"I don't know." Lukas admitted. "It sounded like we rammed into something, but the boat didn't jerk or-"

Another loud thud cut off Lukas's voice. She and Lukas exchanged worried glances. Jesse walked over to the side of the boat and peered over. All she saw was darkness, barely able to make out the waves lapping against the side of their boat.

Jesse opened her mouth, about to call out to Lukas just she couldn't see anything. Then another loud thud came from Jesse's blind side, her head snapping in that direction to see what it was.

Jesse only about saw something glinting in the dark before getting pulled under the waves again.

"See anything?" Lukas called over from adjusting the sail a tiny bit.

"Yes, but it disappeared." Jesse replied, frowning. "I have no clue what it was."

She pulled away from the edge of the boat, unaware of the two eyes that watched her from below the waves. Jesse quickly walked back to Lukas, peering over her a shoulder a few times.

Then all of a sudden there was another loud thud against the wood, this time followed by almost a splintering sound. Whatever it was, it was damaging their boat.

Lukas jogged over to the side of the boat, grasping the rail with his good hand as his eyes quickly scanned the dark surface of water beneath them.

"I swear I don't see a thing either." He said as Jesse came up to him. Letting go of the railing, he pointed to the side of the boat. "There, those planks have been damaged." He said as he gestured towards something that was beyond Jesse's vision's capabilities.

All of a sudden, a large objects hurtled itself through the waves. It's sharp fork-like front getting embedded into the wood. Then it ripped itself back out, disappearing into the water.

"What on earth was that?" Jesse asked, turning to face Lukas.

"I don't know..." He replied, brow furrowing in concern.

Jesse opened her mouth to say something when the strange object all of a sudden shot back up through the water and over the boat's railing.

It hit the wooden deck right at their feet, getting embedded into the wood. Then it miraculously pulled back out of the wood and slink backwards off the deck and into the water.

On instinct, both Jesse and Lukas retreated from the edge of the boat, exchanging horrified glances. Neither of them knowing what had just happened before their very eyes.

"Was that a sword?" Jesse asked as she and Lukas both backed up a few more steps. "I didn't get a good look..."

"I don't think it was." Lukas replied, frowning. "It looked like... I don't know, a giant fork or something."

"A what?" Jesse asked, raising her eyebrows. "I feel there's a higher chance of it being a sword than a giant fork!"

"I didn't say it was a giant fork, I said it looked like a giant fork!" Lukas argued back.

Jesse opened her mouth to continue arguing, when probably one of the most terrifying sounds she's ever heard caused both their head's to snap back.

"What the hell was that?" Jesse asked, not daring to pull her gaze away from the direction the noise came from.

"I have no idea, but it does not sound friendly." Lukas replied, his own gaze fixed on the side of the boat.

"Guys, what the hell is happening up here?"

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