Chapter 6: Starting Again

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"What are we going to do now?" Jesse asked softly.

She was still standing against Lukas, resting her head on his chest, his good arm wrapped around her back.

"What do you mean?" He asked, tearing his gaze away from the ocean to look down at her.

"You can't continue manning the sail on your own." Jesse pointed out. "You need rest and sleep too. Not to mention you have a possibly-broken arm, you shouldn't even be doing any labour in the first place.

Petra can't help you out, not if she's sick. We still don't even know how serious whatever she got is. And me..." Jesse's voice trailed off slightly.

"You have a point." Lukas said. "Even if it's just the flu, Petra isn't going to be working with the sail. She can fight me all she wants, but she's going to keep resting."

"Maybe we made a mistake." Jesse whispered. "We should never have gotten on this boat in the first place... we're too far out to turn back now."

"No, no." Lukas said, pulling away from Jesse and looking her in the eye. "We're not giving up this easily, you hear me?

I can still work that sail with one hand. And so can you, with one eye."

"I don't even know how with both my eyes." Jesse pointed out.

"Neither did Petra." Lukas said matter-of-factly, taking Jesse's hand and leading her over to the sail. "I taught her within a few hours, I can teach you too."

He let go on Jesse's hand, taking out his compass. A smile tugged at his lips, his blue eyes lighting up.

"Perfect, we're changing direction right now."

"Lukas, I'm just going to screw this up." Jesse said softly, as he placed the rope in her hand.

"Nonsense." Lukas said, placing his hand on Jesse's, and guided her movement. "You got to learn to work with that eye at some point."

"I can't even walk properly." Jesse pointed out softly. "I can't read, I can't use my sword, I can't even pour water."

"You weren't always able to lead either." Lukas said. "But even till this day, even after what happened, people still look up to you to guide them.

Everything takes practise. Things you used to do flawlessly, are essentially new skills now. Which means you have to start somewhere."

Jesse bit her lip as she tried to do with the sail what Lukas was demonstrating. He stood behind her, carefully guiding her arm with his.

"Where did you learn this?" Jesse asked Lukas.

"When I was young-" Lukas explained, leaning forward to correct Jesse's position, before stepping back a bit. "-my family used to go out on the water every holiday. It was great fun... I too had quite the adventurous spirit when I was younger. Kind of faded when I discovered my love for building and writing."

He reached over, taking the rope as well and helping Jesse guide the sail in the right direction. Immediately it bulged out in the wind, and the boat steadily began changing direction. Jesse watched as Lukas knotted the rope back up for her. She fingered a string of hair back behind her ear, looking down at the deck.

"Axel and Olivia still have their towns." She said softly. "Radar has a job he still loves, Olivia has given him a place in Redstonia. Petra's always wanted to adventure, so in a way she got what she wanted." Jesse looked up at Lukas. "But what about you? I screwed everything over for you.."

"I chose to come with you and Petra." Lukas said, taking Jesse's hand in his. "I would never be able to go on with my life, knowing the two of you are fighting for yours out there, with basically the entire world turned against you."

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