Chapter 3: Starting On A Journey To Refuge

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Jesse wasn't a hundred percent sure how far it was to the spot where she and Petra were to meet up with Lukas. It was their third day on the road, and frankly; Jesse just wanted to get it over with.

It was the longest distances she's had to walk since losing the sight in her left eye. For their own safety, she and Petra had to stick to more remote routes; meaning much rougher roads.

Jesse's head hurt from the strain on her eye. She had to physically concentrate on walking, so she wouldn't loose her balance. Petra had tried cheering her up, saying it would be good practice. The redhead had fallen quiet at the silent glare she received in response.

In a way, Petra was right. By the third day Jesse had to put a lot less effort into concentrating on where she put her feet. Petra weren't by her side every second of the day anymore, instead walking slightly ahead while trying to keep an enthusiastic conversation alive.

"I honestly don't think we have that much further to go!" Petra said from the front, waving about the map she was carrying. "We should be there before sunset."

Jesse didn't reply, silently trudging a few feet behind Petra. She could hear her friend let out a small sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. Guilt washed over Jesse. Had she even spoken two words to Petra that day?

"That's good." Jesse said softly, causing Petra to look back at her words. She smiled, before turning to face forward again.

Jesse was almost taken aback at how happy Petra seemed to be at hearing her voice. Has she really become that distant?

Jesse looked back down at her feet. She wasn't happy with how she was treating her friends. Especially when they were trying to help her. Maybe once they meet up with Lukas again, she should make a new effort to try and open back up to them. She couldn't live the rest of her entire life this way...

Jesse didn't really have a chance to think over the matter any more, her foot stepping into a dip in the ground that she wasn't able to see. Jesse didn't have time to even think about trying to catch her balance, stumbling forward into the dust.

"Jesse!" Petra gasped, jogging back to her side.

Jesse sat up slightly, dusting down her overalls. Her wrists hurt, as she had instinctively used her hands to break her fall. Bits of sand grains had been embedded into her palms, blood starting break through the small wounds in her flesh.

"Are you OK?" Petra asked, her voice laced with worry as she knelt beside Jesse, starting to dust her down as well.

"I'm fine." Jesse replied bluntly, pushing her friend off. She tried getting to her feet, struggling to get her balance.

"Let me help." Petra offered, taking Jesse's arm to steady her.

"I don't need any help." Jesse said harshly, shaking Petra's hands off her arm.

She staggered to her feet wobbling slightly on the spot. Once she caught her balance, she continued to dust down the sandy dirt from her overalls. To her annoyance, some of the fabric on her knees were scraped off. Great, as if those clothes weren't battered up enough already.

"Jesse, I'm sorry." Petra said softly. "I shouldn't have been at the front, I should have been by your side. Especially when the terrain started to get a little rocky, I didn't think about your depth perception."

"Just drop it." Jesse muttered, clenching her jaw. "I'm fine."

"I really am sorry." Petra said, reaching out to put a hand on Jesse's shoulder. "I know this is my fault-"

"This isn't your fault, Petra!" Jesse all of a sudden snapped at her friend, pushing Petra's hand away from her. "Stop fussing over me already, I just tripped!"

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