Chapter 5: Emotional Barriers

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The sun was starting to peek over the horizon. The three of them had spent what was left of the night guiding the boat back on track.

Even with her bad vision, Jesse had to help turn the sail, since Lukas could only use his one arm. The other one was in a make-shift sling, made with what was left of his black leather jacket. Upon closer inspection, it seemed his arm was badly sprained, if not actually fractured.

"Day break." Petra announced bluntly, glancing in the direction of the rising sun as she shivered slightly.

She had gotten changed into dry clothes – thankfully Olivia had left them some - but was still fairly chilled, even her hair still wet. She had insisted to keep helping steer the boat, instead of keeping warm below deck.

"This might not be a pleasant subject to bring up." Jesse said as she helped Lukas turn the sale again. "But what if another phantom spawns tonight?"

"Over my dead body." Petra snapped, turning around. "You're going to sleep today."

"Petra's right." Lukas said. "We can't risk having a repeat of yesterday night. We might not be as lucky next time."

Jesse's face fell, and she looked down. Lukas and Petra exchanged glances. Lukas was the first to turn back to Jesse, a slightly more sympathetic expression on his face.

"Jesse, why haven't you been sleeping at night?" He asked her. "You must be beyond exhausted by now."

Jesse didn't say anything, biting her lip as she looked down at the deck below her feet.

"It's nightmares... isn't it?" Petra asked softly, walking up closer as well. "Three days ago... I remember waking you up at night because you were tossing and turning..." Realisation seemed to dawn on Petra as she spoke those words.

"Were you too afraid to sleep after that?" Lukas asked, immediately putting two and two together.

"Maybe." Jesse whispered softly, not looking up.

"Why didn't you tell us, Jesse?" Petra asked, shivering again lightly.

"Because..." Jesse started, taking a deep breath. "Because you've already been doing so much for me, and I haven't done anything to repay you. I've been pushing you away, the more you help me!"

"We understand, Jesse." Lukas said. "You lost... a lot. You're understandably grieving, we don't expect you to be all smiling and happy."

"Exactly, what he said." Petra agreed.

"Still." Jesse said softly, blinking back fresh tears. "You both went through so much for me, and I have done nothing to repay you."

"You're our friend." Petra replied. "We don't expect you to repay us."

"The only repayment we want is for you to be happy." Lukas added gently. "Please, Jesse, if something is wrong you have to tell us."

Jesse gave a faint nod. Lukas reached out his good hand, pulling her closer so the three of them fell into a hug, Jesse in the middle.

"And we're starting with you, getting some sleep." He said firmly. "What can we do to help?"

"I don't know." Jesse said softly. "Is there really anything you can do about nightmares other than just... waiting them out?"

"What about if one of us stayed with you?" Petra offered. "We can wake you if you're having one."

"You guys need to manage the sail, you can't." Jesse argued.

"I can handle the sail fine while Lukas stays with you." Petra said, before smirking. "After all, I still have both my hands here."

"The wind's calm right now." Lukas replied. "I'll manage the sail, you stay with Jesse. You need to get out of the cold and warm up, Petra."

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