Chapter 4: What Comes With The Darkness

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The wind was picking up as the last light dimmed. Despite the strong gusts that tugged at the sail, the starry sky was clear, indicating that no storm was coming.

Lukas and Petra's breaths were racing as they had to continuously change the sail according to the wind's directions. Waves knocked against the wooden sides of the boat, occasionally sending a misty spray of water over the two already cold friends.

"This wind is a nightmare!" Petra called above the roar of the ocean, holding her bandanna with one hand so it couldn't blow away, while trying to help turn the sail with the other.

"At least there's no rain!" Lukas called back. "As long as we can keep heading west, the wind should actually help speed up the journey!"

Petra cursed under her breath, rolling her eyes as she and Lukas turned the sail again, the boat immediately changing directions. Lukas checked his compass, before giving the redhead a thumbs up to show that they were headed in the right direction.

Petra leaned down, resting with her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. The cold wind tugged at her bandanna, causing her to clutch it again in order to keep in from getting snatched away.

On one end she felt like calling it a day, heading below deck and collapsing on the nearest possible bed. On the other end, she wasn't about to leave Lukas to manage the boat on his own, no matter how tired she was.

"Petra?" Lukas all of a sudden called out to her, making the redhead glance up. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Petra called back, raising her voice above the wind.

Her question was answered within seconds, a hollow screech echoing through the night sky, cutting through the cold night air.

Jesse was lying on one of the bed beneath the deck, eyes fixed on the lantern beside her, watching as the flame rippled. The boat was wildly rocking from side to side, waves loudly knocking against the sides of the boat.

Jesse wondered if her friends were okay managing the sail? She would be absolutely useless up there, even though the thought to go help crossed her mind. But with her one sided vision, what could she really do?

Jesse turned onto her back, closing her eyes. It's been hours since she came down to rest, but she hasn't had as much as a wink of sleep.

A loud thud above deck caused Jesse's eyes to shot open. She could hear calling, yelling... what was happening up there?

Jesse got off the bed, wrapping the black jacket from Olivia more tightly around herself. Jesse carefully walked to the hatch that lead up, keeping her hand on the wall as she carefully felt the distance between the steps with her foot.

"Where did it come from!?" She heard Petra's voice call above the roaring wind.

"Watch out, it's going to attack again!" Lukas's call came in response, followed by what sounded like metal against wood.

Jesse harshly shoved the hatch open, clumsily clambering out. Her eyes widened when she spotted blood on the wooden deck, the thought of icy winds tugging at her hair immediately long gone.

"What's going on?" She called, staggering to her feet and stumbling over to her friends.

Petra had Miss Butter out, the blade coated in blood - a good sign that the stains on the deck probably weren't hers or Lukas's.

"Jesse, get down beneath the deck!" Lukas warned her immediately. "It's a-"

"Duck!" Petra screamed, all of a sudden shoving Jesse hard, the two of them falling to the deck.

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