Want to talk?.......Yes

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(Sapphire POV)

I sat down next to Lapis on the bench Ruby sat next to me.

Sapphire-"Ok let's talk."

Lapis-"'Sniff' Of what?"

Sapphire-"I don't know your the one who is having problems so you feel me what's up and I'll try to help."

Lapis-"Like this makes the situation better."

Sapphire-"Will at least I'm trying to help."

Lapis-"Will try harder!"

We both look at each other in anger.

Ruby-"Um can I try and help."

Lapis-"Will you can try but you can't pass this heart cold monster."

Sapphire-"Ha! You call me a monster? Who is that one who took the fishes water and let it die will is was flopping on the floor."

Lapis-"That's was a long time a go."

Sapphire-"That's was in 6th grade and its wasn't even are pet it was the class pet!"

Lapis-"I hated the fish anyway."

Sapphire-"I knew you did it on prepose!"

Me and Lapis scared at each other then Ruby pulled us away from each other.

Ruby-"Calm down you two."

Sapphire-"I didn't start it she did."

I pointed at Lapis.

Lapis-"Oh right I start everything."

Ruby-"Ok that's enough you toe set down and let's just talk this out like normal human beings."

Lapis and I look at each other and glared.



We both say done at the ends of the beach far away from each other.

(Rubys POV)

I look at Lapis the at Sapphire.

Ruby-"Ok let's start with Lapis sents we walking to talk to you first."

Lapis-"Ok....what do we talk about?"

Ruby-"Let's talk are your family. What's your moms and dads names? Are they together if not why is that and how does that mark you feel? And do you have siblings?"

Lapis-"*Sighs* Fine...My dad names is Adrian Lazuli and my mothers name if she changes it back is Lillian Frost. They are no longer together because my father is a idiot and desired to cheat on her with her work partner, that's makes me angry because we had a perfect life. I had a sister that I like and care about, I had a big room that's was a nice navy blue almost like the ocean when it's night time, a mother that love me with all my heart and my pet dog pumpkin which I have. And room with a view of the ocean."

Ruby-"Ok now you Sapphire."

Sapphire-"Very will, My fathers name is Adrian Lazuli and my mothers name is Lillian Frost so yes she did change her name and she made me change my name as will. They are no longer together because my idiot father cheated on my mother with my mothers work partner, and it does make me angry as will. I had a sister always smiling and happy with me, we had fun in the back with are dog pumpkin. I remember a time when we were playing inside the house and we were running down the stairs..."

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