Stuck with you

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(Pearls POV)

Are food came and we waited for Rainbow to come back....and waited....and waited....and waited but no sign of her. I look to where Peridot and her friends where setting at and I see the two Topaz twins holding back Amethyst from eating her food I giggled because I thought it was cute and funny how Amethyst is trying to eat but the twins won't let her, there group look off so I counted them and there's one missing.

Pearl-"I think I should cheek on Rainbow."

Jasper-"Yes you should I'm starving but noooo I have to wait because it's the polite thing to do."

Lapis-"That's what you get for being friends with a neat person."


I got up and went to the bathroom to see if Rainbow was ok. I knock on it gently but still hard so that's Rainbow can hear me.

Pearl-"Rainbow are you ok?"

Rainbow-"Thank god! Pearl can you hear me!?"

Pearl-"Yes why?"

Rainbow-"In stuck in here here!"

???-"And don't forget me!"

Pearl-"Who's that in there with you?"

Rainbow-"Oh that's just Sardonyx!"


Rainbow-"Shut up I'm trying to talk!"

???-"What's going on here?"

I turn around and see Amethyst looking up at me.

Sardonyx-"Ame is that you?!"

Amethyst-"Hay Sardonyx!"

She stood next to me.

Amethyst-"Hurry the fuck up! Me and the others are trying to eat."

Sardonyx-"Will I can't the handle is stuck I can't open the door! Maybe trying it on the other side!"


Amethyst grab the door handle and jiggled it hard, set twist and turn it but nothing.

Amethyst-"Sorry Sardonyx but it looking like it's not going to bug here."

Sardonyx-"Will thanks for trying Amethyst!"

Amethyst-"No problem."

Sardonyx-"Hay get the others maybe they know how to get use out of here!"

Amethyst-"Wait don't you know magic?"


Amethyst-"Can't you just open the lock with it."

Sardonyx-"I'm not in that level yet. I'm in the cards, rabbits and coins tricks! You that stuff!"

Amethyst-"Wow you suck."

Sardonyx-"Fuck you Amethyst!"

Amethyst-"No thanks I rather get fuck by Pearl."


Amethyst-"What you are good looking."

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