It was a while before I was able to open my eyes. When I did, Alex was the first person I saw. He sat on a chair that he’d dragged over to the side of the bed, and was leaning into me, looking frantically into my eyes, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

“Hey,” Alex murmured. “How do you feel?”

Everything still looked kind of blurry. I could see his brown eyes clearer than I could see anything else.

“Okay -” I croaked. The word stabbed at my throat.

He swallowed. Tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Do you remember what happened?”

I frowned. It still hurt. Everything still hurt. “Yes... I think so.”

Alex nodded slowly.

“What happened afterwards?” I asked suddenly, “I don’t remember... I just remember Simon, what happened next?”


Alex sighed, leaning away from my bed and back into his chair.

“Simon stabbed you,” He said slowly, “I was inside... I was about to turn around, because we’d argued and I knew that I was being unfair.” He pressed his fingers against his lips. “I wanted to tell you that I was sorry. So I turned around... and I heard you scream.”

Alex bit his lip. “And I ran... And you were lying in the middle of the parking lot, and I could see Simon just a few yards away from you, and I knew what had happened. But I didn’t care about him, I just cared about you.”

I frowned, seeing the pain ripple through his face. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“No, no, I want to... Everyone was gathered around you. I pushed passed them, it felt like they weren’t there, like they were all made of paper. And I held you in my arms...” Alex looked down at his open palms, like he was reliving the memory.

“You were bleeding so much. I’d never seen so much blood...” He paused, “It was everywhere, all over your clothes and my clothes and my hands... And your eyes were closed. I just wanted you to open your eyes.”

“Alex -”

“Rian called the ambulance,” Alex continued, ignoring my interruption, “They got there quickly, I can’t remember much... they were all calm, asking us questions and things... they knew what do with you, how to help you, and I was grateful that they were there for that, because I hadn’t a clue.” He sighed. “And then they took you away, and I wasn’t so grateful anymore.”

He frowned. “They wouldn’t let me come in the ambulance with you, I don’t know why. I was just sitting in the parking lot with blood-stained hands, watching as they drove you away.”

“If it’s too hard -”

“No, no it’s fine,” Alex said softly. He bit his lip. “So we got back in the bus and drove to the hospital. And then we just waited.” He shrugged.  “They wouldn’t tell us anything about how you were doing. They wouldn’t let us see you. But the police were here, and they asked us questions... about you, Jacob, Simon.”

“Where is he?” I interrupted. Alex looked at me. “Simon,” I said, “What... where is he?”

“Oh...” Alex frowned, “I don’t know exactly, but he’s in police holding now. They found him in the airport a couple hours after he stabbed you.”


“He can’t hurt you anymore, Finley,” Alex said, grabbing my hand, “I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise.”

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