Chapter 17

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On Thursday, my second last day of ordinary life in Summerfield, I walked out of the school gates and almost jumped with joy at the sight of a shiny, black Range Rover sitting and waiting for me.

“I didn’t think you were coming until tomorrow,” I said happily, as Alex pulled me into his car.

“Do you want me to leave?” He asked innocently.

He was still tanned from LA, but his smile was as white and glowing as ever.

“We finished earlier than we expected, and I didn’t see any point in delaying,” he explained, as he pulled out of the school’s car park. “And also I had to do Jack a favour.”

“What do you mean?” I asked suspiciously. I hadn’t known Jack for long, but I had learned that he was somewhat of a mischievous person. To put it lightly.

Alex hesitated. “Oh, crap. I wasn’t supposed to mention it until we were closer... less chance of you jumping out of the car...”

I glanced outside the window. “Alex... closer to where, exactly?”


“Well,” Alex paused, taking a hand off the wheel to gesture aimlessly. “He’s right. You should say goodbye to your brother, but you’re not going to do it without encouragement, because I’ve met you, and I know you-”

“Not enough, I already went to see Jacob!”

“Au contraire!” Alex interrupted, “I’ve been talking to Aisling, you know. You haven’t gone near the detention centre since you got back from LA.”

I sighed. Damn it. “Do you blame me?”

“No. But I do still want to help you. And even if I was going to give you a break, I promised Jack that I drag you by your ankles if I had to.”

I rolled my eyes. “Jack’s such a sweetheart.”

“He wants what’s best for you. And so do I, and you’ll regret it if you don’t see Jacob before you go. I know you will.”

I bit my lip. “Will you at least come in with me?”

“No can do, kiddo.”

“Please, Alex,” I said softly, “I don’t... I’m scared.” It hurt to admit.

Alex sighed. He ruffled my hair affectionately. “You’ll be fine. You’ve gotten through worse than this before. Don’t worry. I’m going to stay in the car-” He cut off at my glare, “- okay, if you’re that insistent I’ll wait in the reception. But I won’t go in with you, I’m afraid this is something you have to do yourself, Finley.”

I sighed. “Sometimes you’re a real dick, Alex.”


We pulled up outside the detention centre with my heart in my mouth.

“I feel sick. You should take me home.”

“I’m sure they have bathrooms inside, you can puke there if you need to.”

I glowered at him.

“Ten minutes, Finley, that’s all I ask.”


I followed him inside. It felt weird to be back here, I used to spend almost all of my free time here, clinging to Jacob like plankton sticking to a whale. Looking back, I could see how unhealthy it was. I was spending so much time worrying over the past I never stopped to think about the future. I just stayed in the same state if mind, never changing, never growing. I was lucky that Alex had saved me when he did.

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