Something Amiss

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As the night drew closer to an end and the dawn sky started bleeding in from the horizon, Xisuma and Grian stood by the portal to the other world. Grian's eyes had begun to droop as Xisuma started setting up the portal. X glanced over at his friend and, muttering to himself about Grain needing to learn to wake up earlier, clapped his hands in front of his friends face and should "Wake up!" startling Grian back into consciousness.

Grian grumbled, "Why does he have to attack The Watchers this early in the morning?"

"Because he's Evil X," Xisuma said, adding the final bits to the portal, "Change into your Watcher form. It's almost ready."

Groggily, Grian complied, letting the large silky feathered wings flow out into the world as X finished the portal. Once he finished, a brilliant white light flashed from the portal's interior, rapidly flowing out and engulfing everything in sight.


This was Pearl's, and everyone's, last night in Evo. Tomorrow, The Watchers and The Listeners would take everyone to new worlds. This would be a big event, and everyone would need to be well-rested for it, but try as hard as she may, Pearl could not sleep. Probably because of the strange flashing light in the sky. Eventually, Pearl decided to just sit on the edge of her tower and watch the strange brightness. She could tell it wasn't lightning, despite the thunderous sounds that accompanied it, because each flash was more of a burst than a bolt. Then she noticed a red tinge in the flashes that seemed to get more pronounced with each flash, to the point where it bled into the entirety of the light. The light show ended with a bright white flash that swallowed the entire area.


Taurtis quivered as he stood up in the dark forest. The last thing he remembered before showing up in the strange forest was him drifting off to sleep in his cozy bed and having a dream about the flashing lights before finding himself in the forest.

A twig snapped behind him.

Taurtis immediately bolted from his potential assailant but tripped over his own feet and face planted into the ground. Realizing just how close to death he was, he sobbed, shaking violently as he lay on the ground.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

He picked himself up and turned to see a tall man in a black suit with a magnificent black mustache approaching him with his hands up to his chest in an attempt to show he meant no harm.

Taurtis looked up at the man, face red with embarrassment, and said: "I already knew that."

The man chuckled. "Sure you did," he said. "Well since you seem to be so all-knowing, do you know why we're in this forest?"


"It figures." The man then held out a hand.

Tarutis took the stranger's hand and felt himself being lifted off the ground.

"I don't suppose you know where we are,"Tarutis said to the stranger, dusting himself off.

"Uh," the strange stuttered. "You got me there."

Taurtis was about to smugly bask in this small moment of superiority until a baby zombie sprinted at them with murderous intent. Taurtis and the stranger screamed and ran away from the murderous undead child. The tiny-legged assailant stayed right on their heels as they attempted to flee, knocking the pair forward a few times as it punched at them. Tarutis and his new acquaintance only got a moment of mercy when they saw a small pool of water and jumped it. The baby zombie tried to follow them into the water, but its rapid little legs could not catch it up with them. They reached the other side of the pool and booked it into the forest far away from the deadly toddler.

Once they were both sure they were far enough away from the baby zombie, they both burst out into tear-inducing laughter.

"There's no way we're surviving out here without any gear." the stranger said, wiping away tears, "I'm going to chop down a tree for some wood. Once I make a sword, can you go out and kill a few things for food?"

"Sure thing, stranger."

"I'm Mumbo by the way. Who are you?"



Cleo went up to the horse in the field and started hacking at it with her stone sword. Netty, the strange lady in the purple bush-baby onesie that she woke up next to, had sent her out to gather leather, food, and sugar cane because, in Netty's words, 'We're playing this like a UCH.' How she came to the conclusion to do that was beyond Cleo, but she was glad to have a plan. She returned to Netty once her sword broke, marveling at all the trees she felled for wood and apples.

"Hey, I broke my sword and got 55 chicken, 55 feathers, 20 beef, 21 leather, and 35 sugar cane. Is that good?"

"Yeah and I've got plenty of wood and apples," Netty said, handing Cleo a stone pickaxe, "Let's dig ourselves into a nice tunnel and get a few supplies together. Then we can strip mine for diamonds."

"Sounds like a good plan," Cleo said.


Tom and Big B wandered to spawn. They would have loved to have found some armor or a weapon in B's base, but all the chests were barren. As the duo wandered through the overgrown old spawn town, they felt a flood of old memories that would usually cause them to stop and reminisce if they did not hear the pained shouting in the distance.

"Would you all be quiet and hold still? I'm trying to do a headcount." a voice boomed.

Tom and Big B rounded the corner to see a group of about 10 people standing around spawn, the oldest one trying to do the headcount he shouted about.

"Hey," Tom called over to the strangers, "you all need anything?"

Upon hearing this, the group turned to look at them, and a man with a blue shirt with an 'at' symbol and glasses responded. "We're from the Hermitcraft server. Do either of you know where we are?"

Tom and Big B exchanged glances. "This is the Evo server," Tom said.

The old man spoke. "We're missing Grian, Xisuma, Mumbo, False, Stress, Cleo, Jevin, Python, and Scar."

"We don't know where our friends are either. We just woke up here. How about we all get some stuff together, and then we can search for our friends?" Big B said.

"Let us think that over." responded a man in a white lab coat.

Big B and Tom waited patiently as the strangers discussed what to do in hushed whispers until the blue-shirted man said: "Sure, sounds like a plan."

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