Love You Forever

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Thank you dears for supporting and voting for my this story on Rikara and Ruvya..Love you comes the final update

Finishing her lunch quickly, Catherine stood up from her seat and she walked out of the Great Hall, without a backward glance at him. Rudra watched her go with an exasperated look on his face and then he turned his attention towards Bhavya. She was having her lunch, while talking with her friend, Susan. He watched her silently as he had his lunch, but the only thing was that he could not concentrate on what he was eating. He was struck by her feminine grace, her beautiful eyes and the way she smiled, everything about her caused a warm feeling to spread inside his heart. Rudra Singhania wondered if this feeling was love, because in spite of dating a number of beautiful girls before, he was feeling this way for the first time in his life.


In the evening after class, Bhavya and her friend, Susan had dinner in the Great Hall. Afterwards, when they came out into the Entrance Hall, and were about to climb up the marble staircase, she heard a familiar voice.

Ru: Bhavya..

Bhavya turned her head towards him with expectant eyes, it was Rudra indeed.Her lips broke into an excited smile and her cheeks turned crimson, seeing the way he was looking at her.

Ru: (smiles) Bhavya..Would you mind joining me for a walk in the grounds.

Bhavya looked at her friend and Susan nodded at her with an emphatic smile.

Bh: (looks at Rudra) I will come with you, Rudra..(smiles gracefully)

Rudra held out his hand to her and she placed her hand inside his. Everyone present in the hall, were looking at them with a surprised look as they walked out of the Entrance hall into the moonlit lawns, outside.

Bhavya was looking at their holding hands, and she was pleasantly surprised that he still didn't leave her hand, but she remained silent, expecting him to start the conversation. Silently, they walked towards the edge of the lake, and Rudra stopped when they reached the water's edge. He turned towards her and gazed into the depths of her eyes.

Ru: (softly) Bhavya..

Bh: (looking into his eyes intently) Hmm..

Without taking his eyes off her lovely face, which dazzled in the bright moonlight, he softly brushed a stray hair from her face behind her ear.She felt a tickling sensation where he touched behind her earlobe.

Ru: I love you..

Bhavya couldnt believe her ears and tears of happiness, formed inside her eyes. Words struck inside her throat and she kept gazing into his eyes with an unbelievable look.

Ru: (smiles wide) I love you Bhavya..Please say something..!! (looks on intently)

Bhavya nodded her head fervently with a wide smile and still she couldn't utter a single word. Tears streamed down her eyes and she was finding it difficult to breathe. Throwing her arms around his neck, she hugged him tight, pressing her chin onto his shoulder. Rudra realized the depth of her love for him and he felt real contentment, for the first time in his life, while standing real close to a girl. He wound his arms around her slim waist and embraced her, with pure love.

Bhavya felt that, even if she died at this very moment, she would be happy thinking that she was inside his arms, while she breathed her last. She found her voice, at last.

Bh: I love you too, Rudra..! I have always loved you..only you..!

Rudra smiled wide, hearing her confession and caressed her long and sleek hair with love. But he wanted to tease her now,

THE LOVE POTION - A RIKARA and RUVYA TALE(Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora