Magic Of Love

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That night, when Bhavya finally arrived into the Ravenclaw house Sixth year girls dormitory, she broke into tears.

She had been fighting back her tears all the way, but now she just couldn't hold them any longer. She was alone in the room, and even the sound of the wind whistling around the windows, which she usually found relaxing, couldn't soothe her pain tonight.

Bh: (sobs) Again I lost you, Rudra..(weeps uncontrollably) I couldn't make you love me forever..Even with the help of the love potion.

Just then her best friend Susan Brooks entered the room, and she heard what Bhavya said.

Su: You very well knew, it was not a permanent solution, Bhavya..

Bhavya had run away from the Ravenclaw table, since she couldn't see Rudra and Catherine together again. Susan had also left the dinner halfway like her, and followed Bhavya, from the Great Hall.

Susan went and sat on Bhavya's four-poster bed, and placed her arm around her shoulders. Bhavya placed her head on Susan's shoulder and sobbed softly.

Bh: You are right, was not a permanent solution..And I think that using it on Rudra was a great mistake..He and I have been together for only two days, but I am already missing him like hell..I can't bear this pain of separation now that I have experienced the power of love, the beauty of togetherness..Before, it was so easy, to watch him from a distance and admire had been such a pleasure..But after entering into a brief relationship with him, and the fear of losing him forever is gnawing my heart away..(weeps terribly)

Susan realized that it had been all her mistake, she shouldn't have supplied her with the Love potion, in the first place. Bhavya had asked for it, but still she should have refused, like a true friend.

Su: I am sorry, Bhavya..I am sorry..

But Bhavya was not in a state to ask why Susan was apologizing to her.


Monday morning dawned and students were back into their school uniforms. Omkara and Gauri went down together into the Great Hall for breakfast, before going to their respective classes. The fact that Omkara being a seventh year student and Gauri only a sixth year, meant that they were going to miss each other during the lessons. Now they could meet each other only during break times till the next weekend.

Rudra was seated at the Slytherin table as usual with Catherine, when Bhavya entered the Great Hall with Susan. But today, Bhavya didn't try look at them, even once. She was not ready to take more pain and so she determinedly chose to avoid any.

But when Rudra noticed her sitting down at the Ravenclaw table, his eyes noticed the pain in her eyes, even though her face was devoid of any expressions.

After breakfast, Catherine left Rudra and went off with her fifth year classmates to attend their classes. Rudra joined his classmates (seventh years) as they all proceeded towards their 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' classroom.


After the class ended, they were now walking along the corridors leading downstairs. Next they were having their Potions class, which was down in the dungeons.

When they reached the second floor corridor, Rudra heard some noise from a classroom, which no one used. He stopped and peeped inside and he was surprised to see Bhavya, surrounded by a few Seventh Year Ravenclaw boys.

Ru:(to his classmates) You guys go to the class..I will come in a few minutes..

He had understood that she was being teased by those boys, and they were not allowing her to walk away.

THE LOVE POTION - A RIKARA and RUVYA TALE(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now