Your Love Is All I Need

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Gauri raised her head and looked at him with her serene eyes.

Omkara was surprised by his own reaction to her kiss. He was slowly realizing that he too loved her the way she loved him.

Smiling at her, he raised his hand and caressed her supple cheek. With his thumb, he feathered across her lower lip. She closed her eyes and then opened them passionately. The way her eyes were looking at him made him ecstatic.

Ga: Omkara..Tell me, that you love me too..(pleading eyes)

Om: (caressing her back neck and hair) I love you too, Gauri..

In a swift move, Omkara yanked her hair downwards and her chin was up. He bent his face towards hers, and Omkara sucked in her pink lips with so much need, this time. Their tongues welcomed each other inside their mouths and they intertwined happily.

Their kiss deepened with each passing second and both were transported to some other world. Gauri and Omkara didn't even try to break the kiss for a long time. Finally they were feeling out of breath and they withdrew their lips from each other.

Omkara held her hand in his hand and entwined his fingers with hers.

Om: Gauri..Let's go back to our common room..

Ga: Ok..(nods)

And both of them walked hand in hand into the crowded common room, where the party was still going on. They danced and celebrated the night together until the party finally stopped and it was time for everyone to go off to their dormitories.

They kissed each other goodnight, and went off to sleep in their respective dorms.


Now let's rewind to another scene, which had occurred a few hours earlier.

After the Quidditch match had ended, the Slytherin team went off to their changing rooms with disappointment. Rudra was still under the effect of Love Potion and his eyes were searching for Bhavya. He met her at the Entrance Hall, when the team reached back into the castle. His team mates left him and went towards the Great Hall. Bhavya felt sad for him and she looked at him with painful eyes.

Ru: I am sorry Bhavya..We lost..I couldn't catch the Snitch and that is why we lost the game..

He looked at her guiltily and she wanted to cheer him up.

Bh: It's ok Rudra..It's just a game..

She raised her palms and cupped his face, with love. Rudra felt happy instantly, and forgot everything else.

Ru: Bhavya..You are so sweet..I love you..!

Those three magical words, reverberated inside her head and Bhavya's face glowed with happiness. She knew that this was the effect of the potion, but still she was happy.

Bh: (excitedly) Rudra..I love you too..

Rudra's soft expression turned into a desire filled one.

Ru: Come with me..

Rudra took her hand in his hand and climbed up the Marble staircase. Bhavya looked at him with longing as he led her through a deserted corridor and into an empty class room. Closing the door, he pulled her into a tight hug. Placing her head on his shoulder, Bhavya's arms encircled his waist and she let her body crush into his. Her nose and lips were against the nook of his neck. Rudra tilted his head sideways, to look at her face and their eyes met again. Their facial expressions changed from enthusiastic to intense. They suddenly realized that both of them wanted each other. Suddenly Rudra kissed her lips gently and Bhavya closed her eyes for a brief second.

THE LOVE POTION - A RIKARA and RUVYA TALE(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now