This Doesn't Change Anything | Desmond Miles

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Ever since you stepped into the Grand Temple, you knew something was off. Maybe it was the intimidating ceilings that were so high it hurt your neck to look up that far, or maybe it was the cracked flooring and walls of the temple that made your stomach turn. But the cold, the cold was what got to you the most. You were always bundled up in more layers than anyone, even Rebecca. Since Shaun was from London, the cold flowed through his veins and was always a part of him. But for you it was different. Desmond didn't really have time to bundle up in excessive layers since he was in the Animus almost all of the time, with you sitting in the seat next to him and being forced to just hold his hand and help him through it.

Your coat was thrown over your shoulders and zipped up, along with a scarf you knitted yourself one day when Desmond was in the Animus. Your feet were still freezing, even in the boots and fuzzy socks you had on. The cold just seeped through the smooth leather and what used to be your warm socks, your feet grew cold over the course of half an hour. But it was worth it, to be sitting here next to the man who would save the world. Even though he had yet to find the key, Desmond told you (on the rare occasion when he would come out of the Animus) that he knew he was close, that he could feel it inside of him. The thought of you being so close to victory both scared and excited you at the same time. Who knows what was beyond that door, it could be anything.

The sound of the monitor beeping a few times made you look over to the screen, seeing Desmond start to twitch around in his seat and wake up. His eyelashes fluttered before opening, the deep brown pools meeting the dark gray ceiling of the Temple. Your arms uncrossed themselves and your right hand raised to look at your watch, clicking the side to stop the timer. "A whole 26 hours. You've managed to beat your own record, Desmond." You sarcastically addressed him without meeting his eyes, knowing your heart would melt the second they did. Desmond scoffed as he swung his legs over the side of the chair, propping his arms beside him with his fingertips hanging over the edge. "Lost track of time." He simply said, the underlying tone that he was waving you off raised a red flag inside your head.

"Lost track of time?" You repeated, your hands resting in your lap as you uncrossed your legs to give them a rest. Your eyes finally met his form still in the chair, but his head was ducked down to look at the floor. "Yeah, I did. Is there a problem?" He probably didn't mean to sound so snappy, he was probably mentally exhausted and just said the words a little too harsh. But you certainly took them the wrong way, your eyes snapping to him finally standing up and closing his eyes. "Okay look, tough guy. You don't have to be all sassy with me. It's not my fault you were chosen by them to save the world, so don't take it out on me." You scolded the modern assassin, your index finger pointing at him in anger. His eyes snapped open and fell on you, his mouth opening and closing as if he was going to interrupt.

"I'm not taking it out on you, Y/N. At least I'm not meaning to. You know why I stay in there so long." Desmond attempted to console you and get off the subject, but there was no way you were gonna drop it like cold turkey. "You stay in there because you think it will help you find the key faster. I get it, Des. But you can't stay in there forever, no matter how much Juno wants you to get that key." You had stood up from your chair by the machine, walking around it to come stand in front of him. His eyes were staring at his shoes and now yours, finding them to be very interesting now that you were scolding him. "I won't let her take you from me." you whispered.

That sentence seemed to get his attention, his head snapping up so fast you though he got whiplash. His dark brown eyes met yours, the pools of hazel meeting your E/C eyes made your heart skip a beat. Even in the dim lighting of the Temple, his eyes seemed to shine and sparkle like the stars above. "I know you don't like me being in there so long, Y/N. But we are so close, I can feel it. I can't stop now, I'm sorry." Desmond tried to soften the blow a little, but his words only made you tear your gaze from his and settle somewhere else. The cracks in the walls and the faint mechanical sound was what you tried to make your mind focus on, anything but Desmond and his stupid gorgeous face.

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