P8 Too Close

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The walk back to the campsite, was quite. I was walking next to Jaspers slumped body, helping Murphy hold him while Bellamy and Wells were carrying the dead Panther.

My spear was in one hand while the other clung to Jaspers so he would stay awake.

"Hey there buddy, open your eyes for me would you?" My voice was soft and gentle Murphy looked at me clearly waiting for Jasper to respond.

"I-I'm tired Ma-Marie. I-"

"You can Sweeheart just open your eyes for me. Give me that warm smile, I love." This made Jasper grin softly muffling a laugh.

"Y-you're such a good person. Y-you know th-that." I took in a deep breath smiling at Jaspers response. All we needed was to keep him awake.

Murphy smiled softly at Jaspers reply.

"Y-you're to good fo-for this world." Jasper commented lousy in his words.

"You, a-and S-Sunni." Jasper smiled his head falling back.

I glanced at Murphy, mothering to him.

'We need to keep him talking.'

He nodded.

"Oh-I can't w-wait to g-get back an-and meet S-Sunni." Jasper groaned swinging his head to Murphy then to me.

Third Person

Bellamy watched with Wells, the two were panting while they were holding the dead animal.

Bellamy's eyes narrowed at Jaspers body. He was watching as both Murphy and Jasper seemed to have been able to at least become one of Marie's acquaintances.

"Invisible, once again?" Wells murmured panting while he moved the Panther in his arms.

"H-how do they do it. How does Murphy do it. One minute she's at his throat next she's smiling and talking to him. I-I just don't understand. All I've done is look after Sunni that was it and now she's pissed." Bellamy couldn't help but to be so confused.

Never in his life did a girl withdrew themselves from him. Yet Marie was so quick in doing just that. So to Bellamy this feeling was new and he hated it.

"Maybe, that was one of the reasons. Sunni's her only family and seeing you hold her without her authorisation maybe she thought you'd hurt her." Wells panted a response.

Bellamy, clenched his jaw at the thought. He understood but yet his mind didn't. It couldn't just be that. It couldn't. There had to be more.

"And like she said Bellamy, she cares maybe this is one of the ways for her to show you." Bellamy couldn't help but to listen to Wells, as they got closer to the three.

Jasper was a giggling mess at Marie's comment.

"I-I know w-we just meet. B-But I like you." Jasper murmured leaning closer to Marie while they all walked.

Murphy smirked, while Marie playfully glared at him.

"Well, I like you too. Spear-Taker. When we get back to camp, we're going to checkout that small little bruise out for you. We'll make everything all better for alright. I promise." This made Jasper beam with excitement.

"L-let's scratch w-what I said b-before. I-don't l-like you." Jasper stammered.

"I-think I-I love you." He groaned again causing Marie to chuckle at his words.

"Heads up! Eyes sharp!" Bellamy shouted loudly cutting the conversation between Marie and Jasper short.

Marie glanced back at Bellamy and Wells frowning at his words.

"You realise we're like only a few feet from camp you didn't have to yell." Marie instructed Finn and Clarke ran ahead to the camp warning them about our arrival.

"I don't care." Bellamy responded, Wells watched this along with Murphy who seemed to catch on to what Bellamy was doing.

"Naw B-"

"Don't start with me Murphy!" Bellamy grunted.

"They're back! Over there!" A view people beamed from the campsite.

Marie's POV

We had entered Camp, Jasper firmly stocked next to me while I looked up to Murphy.

"Help them with the meat, make sure they spread it evenly." Murphy nodded.


"I've got him don't worry, I maybe small. But I sure know how to hold my own weight." I joked back lifting Jaspers body into mine with ease.

"Come on you let's go." I responded softly seeing Monty by the drop-ship door. I smiled at him cupping my free hand to his face.

"Is h-he-"

"He's alive, we need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage. He'll do just find Monty." I murmured softly to him. Monty nodded sighing.

"Logan took Sunni to his tent so when Jasper would arrive we could store him up on the second level." I nodded at the information, patting Monty's shoulder.

"Now go and eat, rest up. You did great today." I responded softly to Monty.

"He's safe now."

After Jasper was assisted by Clarke and I. Logan had bought me Sunni leaving me up against a tree alone with her.

She was awake now and we were together, I couldn't help but to sigh while she played on my lap, night had fallen and the stars were out. I'd tied Sunni's hair up and had changed her from her clothes.

I'd changed her undergarments which were now large rose leaves and vines to tie them around her before putting her bedding clothes on. I sighed caressing her face with a damp cloth to clean her.

"Moma." Sunni whined making me smile.

She was playing with a toy Hawk that Finn had made her. Sunni's front was facing me while she spoke her eyes trailing up to my gaze.

"Weeeee" She sung beaming at her small toy.

"Wee indeed my dear." I giggled in response.

"Hey-" Quickly I'd turned to lifting the spear on my right flipping it in one hand to the voice warningly, my eyes settling on Bellamy.


I leaned back on the tree and took in a deep breath before speaking to Bellamy, putting the spear down with a grunt.

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