About me

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started at 1:51 Am 16/01/2019

Hey, my name is Ace I am 16 years old and this is my story and journey about being a trans male.

This chapter will be a get to know you chapter so here we go I guess <3  

My name is Ace as I already said im 16 and I live in Sydney Australia (No we do not ride kangaroos) Now im a weird person that has no idea on what's going on in my life what so ever.

On the 2nd of April 2018 (Easter Monday in Australia) my mother kicked me out for being Non-binary, Now back tail end of 2016 or very start of 2017 I started questioning my gender and sexuality.

midway through 2017, I came to the conclusion that I was non-binary and bisexual 2017 comes to an end and come Easter time in 2018 I get my hair cut one day after school hoping to tell my mother and step-father that im non-binary and bisexual.

well, I can say that it didn't go well at all. 

I will put a disclaimer here because it gets a bit abusive 

when my mum got home the following afternoon my mother refused to let me explain why I cut my hair, she cornered me in the kitchen and I slid down the cupboard doors and started to whimper because she was kicking me and hitting me as well as screaming at me, she told me to get out of the house after she has yanked me up by my hair (the top part of the fringe) and shoved me down the hallway.

I grabbed my school bag and ran out of the house and across the street before she came out of the house and told me to get back inside the house because she wasn't finished with me yet I kept walking until she caught up with me and started to pull me by the collar of my jacket and I was having an anxiety attack so I couldn't breathe after a couple of seconds I collapsed and my mother pulled me up by my hair and my legs would not co-operate someone must have called the police because about 20 minutes later they arrived just after the ambulance because my mother wanted to send me to the mental hospital because I was having a panic attack and she thought I was crazy.

during this time my Step-father came 'home' and had no clue what was going on, he told my mother to calm down, in my head she was the one who needed to go to the mental hospital because of what she had just done to me. The people from the ambulance were very nice to me they helped me calm down and so where the police. I tried to tell them what my mother did but I was too afraid to all I could do was hug the pillow I was holding tighter.
The paramedics took my blood pressure and calmed me down they wanted to test my blood sugar level but I didn't let them because there is a tiny needle where they poke your finger and I have a phobia of needles.

later that night my mother comes into my room and throws my phone at me and says "Call your father you are not welcome here anymore" my Mother and father are divorced and have been ever since I was 4 years old, I rang my dad and she told him her version of the story I packed what I could in half an hour clothes stuffed animals little statues that had meaning, I took one last look around my room and from that moment I know my life was going to be much different. 

The car ride to my dad's house was quiet I was shaken up and shaking because I was scared what was going to happen. I went to school the next day to show my mother that I was stronger than she thought that I could still do it and go to school, I also had volleyball training that day I went to training when the ball hit my right wrist it stung like a bitch I had sprained it in the fight 'great' just a week before my volleyball game that represents my school. I kept going despite my wrist being in so much pain, when I was closest to my coach and Bible teacher (i won't say his name for privacy reasons) but he saw me wince and shake my wrist when I hit the ball when I was rotated off he talked to me and asked me if I was ok because 1. I was really quiet and 2. my obvious wincing. 
I told him I was fine and he looked at my wrist and told me that I had sprained it, before my next training I got a brace thingy for it and I continued to train. game day came and went we lost all our games I feel like I let everyone down but that's just me. 

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