Chapter 11: The Beach Party and The Moon

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Everything seems better. I see the world better. Everything looks so happy, bright and fun. Who knew you could be this happy? How is this even a thing?

Being in love was worth listening to Justin Bieber, though. I have to tell you that.

I hear a knock on the door, and widen my eyes quickly and sprint at the door.

Ryan is supposed to pick me up today, for this school celebration we are having at this restaurant on the beach. We are allowed to bring someone with us if we wanted to, and obviously I chose Ryan to bring with me.

Not seeing him ever since yesterday was torturous. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like I always have to be with him. I feel like I am starting to be too clingy, but that's how the both of us are. It's like we can't stay away from each other, but we know it's healthy to have space, so it's good we allow that. But I know we are always thinking of each other no matter what.

I throw the door open, to reveal a handsome and grinning Ryan. He looks freshly groomed, with a nice t-shirt on with shorts. I am wearing a summer dress, and I can already tell that we are going to have fun dancing tonight.

I throw myself a him to give him a big hug, and I feel his heart beating through him. Mine is too, and ours are beating really fast, like they know that their matches are near.

He smells good, as always.

We pull away from the hug, and give each other a kiss. My hands are wrapped around his neck, his on my waist. I pull away to give him a smile.

"I heard your music. What's up with those songs?" he asks, listening to another love song playing in the living room.

"I'm just so in love," I tell him.

"This ain't no 'skinny love' for sure. I love you," he says, I giggle and he gives me a kiss.

We hug and kiss and stuff a lot, like it's a need. We liked to show each other how much we love each other just a little more than how much we say it.

"You're looking good today," he says once we pull away from the kiss, eying me up and down.

"So do you," I say, doing the same.

"Now, go turn that music off. We have a party to get to," he tells me.

I run off to turn the music off, and run back to Ryan, holding the iPod.

I was asked to collect a bunch of music that people requested, for the party. I gladly accepted the responsibility, throwing in a couple songs of my own.

He holds my hand, and we walk off to his car that he got last week. I helped him pick it out. It was a nice silver car, that we both really like.

He opens my door for me like a gentlemen, and I happily jump in the car. The door closes and he walks over to his side.

Once he drives off we open our windows, and I stick my hand out it to feel the wind on my skin. It makes my hair fly which I liked, and I can see Ryan smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

He made my life so much better. Just moments like these, sitting beside him in a car as the wind runs through my hair, seeing him smile, makes me feel like the happiest person on the earth.


The restaurant was very pretty. It looked like a beach hut, with seats inside and outside. Outside, there were little lights hanging everywhere, and there was a rock wall that went up to my waist near the outside seats. It overlooked a beautiful beach.

There is a lot of people here, talking and drinking. Some people are even on the sand playing games.

Ryan and I hold hands walking towards the doors, then Al, the d.j of the night runs up to me.

With All my Heart, All my Time, Everything Else, and All my Life.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora