Week 8: An Order of Answers for Me, Please

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Andri and I were woken up to the sound of a knock at the door.

We were really hoping that it wasn't our landlord. If it was, we were totally screwed.

Andri walked down the hallway of our shared bedroom and rubbed her tired eyes.

"Please tell me that isn't our fucking landlord," Andri muttered.

"Nope," I said with a disappointed tone as I opened the door, "it's worse."

The one person I didn't want to see right now appeared in front of me.

"Jackson," Andri and I spoke at the same time, with similar amounts of frustration.

Jackson came over to Andri and tried to kiss her.

"Uh uh, cowboy," Andri wiggled her finger from side to side, "you're not getting any, hun."

I smirked at Jackson and closed the door so that he'd be outside of our apartment.

I hugged Andri tightly. 

"You're the best, and I love you, but you totally didn't have to do that. I broke his nose when he broke my spirit. We're even now. I officially give you my blessing to have sex with that horrendous creature," I assured Andri.

"No," Andri stated simply, "He hurt my best friend. Bros before hoes. You're my bro and no hoe is going to change that."

I rolled my eyes as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not getting laid either." 

"It does. We'll be not-getting-laid losers together. Oh, wait! You never told me about Erica! What happened there?"

Andri always loved to know every single detail about me with girls. It was almost like she was trying to live gay-ly through me.

I smiled at the memory of kissing Erica. "It was pretty good."

"It was pretty good," Andri mocked my tone, "you idiot! I wanna know the whole story! Tell me what happened!"

"Well," I took a breath and remembered the small details, "she was all like, 'I heard that you like girls,' and I was like, 'yeah I do,' and then she kissed me for what I could swear was like a minute. Then, she was all like 'I've always been curious,' as she was walking away and I think she might want it to happen again but honestly I don't know..."

"Do you want it to happen again?" Andri clapped her hands in excitement.

I blushed. "Of course, dumbass. She's like the prettiest girl ever and she's totally cool. Of course I would."

She slapped her hands on my thighs repeatedly. She sometimes does that when she's excited. "Oh my goodness! That's so cute! Awwwww. You guys could be gay makeout buddies! Awww."

We both heard a knock on the door, again.

Andri grunted loudly. "I swear it that's Jackson again I'm gonna..."

The door opened to reveal not Jackson, not our landlord, but Derek.

"Nope," She sighed, "it's worse."

He just stood there.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "How'd you know where..."

Derek interrupted me. "-I followed you last night."

Andri's mouth dropped. "You realize that's creepy, right, dude?"

Derek walked into our apartment.

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