Week 7, Part 2: Nonverbal Communication

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The drive to Deaton's was quiet, uncomfortably so. Mostly because everyone was trying to censor their thoughts, especially Scott.

Andri was pretty chill about the whole "I can hear every thought" thing. I assume that's because she already says aloud everything that comes to mind, and so this isn't much different. Stiles was nervous, but getting acclimated to the notion. Scott, however, was the freaked out about it. 

We were in Stiles' Jeep, as usual, and Scott was in the shotgun seat. 

I was hearing a couple of different trains of thought, and I was trying to simultaneously listen to all of them. 

Scott: Look at the road. Just think about the road. Act natural, look back to see if she's listening... She totally can't hear you, you're fine. Just act natural and she won't suspect anything.

Stiles: Scott looks like he's about to explode, I don't know why he's so freaked about this. We've dealt with Peter before, so this is a piece of cake. Plus, there are probably some upsides to this. Like... Well I don't know. This is weird though. What if she's a witch and she's plotting to kill all of us? Oh my God, weirder things have happened...

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a witch that's gonna kill all of you, idiot."

Andri popped up. "As a witch, I find that offensive and who the hell are you talking to?"

"I'm just replying to thoughts. And Scott, you don't have to freak. The absolute worst thing I'll do is laugh."

Scott still looked worried. "You don't know that. What if I'm totally crazy and I think something weird and you can never look at me the same way again? It's a lot of pressure to have."

"I guarantee that whatever your weirdest thought is, I've heard weirder. And I promise I won't judge unless it's really weird."

And we arrived at Deaton's, ready to figure out what's wrong with me. 

We walked into the room to see Deaton reading a book.

I smiled. "Hey Doc, we've got a couple of questions for you."

The five of us were all in the room now. 

Deaton stood up. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, I've started to have this weird problem where I can hear the thoughts of everyone around me."

He had a puzzled expression on his face. "When did you first notice it?"

I thought about the events of today. "I got really sick this morning, it was really sudden. I threw up for a couple of minutes and when I came out of the bathroom I could hear Andri's thoughts."

 He pondered what I said for a moment. "Have you noticed anything else that's different?"

I laughed. "Other than, you know, reading people's minds? No, not really."

Deaton turned around and brought a book to the table. "I've been researching your kind, and it seems that I've found something of relevance. It says here that when a synthe gains power, their natural powers may be upgraded supernaturally."

Andri raised her eyebrows. "What does that mean?"

He glanced at her, and thought of his answer. "Scott's told me that you're interested in becoming a psychologist? Is that correct, Dylan?"

"Yeah, I have a pretty large interest for it... Why?"

He closed the book and put it back on the shelf. "Psychologists have an insight to the human mind. In a natural way, of course. That's a natural ability that you have; to figure out what others around you are thinking. That natural ability became a supernatural ability, and now it appears that you can read other people's thoughts in a literal way."

"So what you're saying is that I did the nasty and now I've got a one-way ticket to everyone's train of thought?" 

Scott and Stiles simultaneously turned towards me with their eyes opened widely. "You did the nasty?"

 Stiles crossed his arms and Scott was trying to figure out who the other person could've been.

Could it be Derek? They seemed to have a connection, or maybe it was Erica, Isaac said they made out the other day. Why am I always the last to know about these things? Dude, like keep me in the loop.

I laughed. "No, but a couple days ago we had that huge game of Spin the Bottle, and I'm not gonna lie, afterwards I got a little somethin'. So that is what's giving it power, a couple little make out sessions?"

"A synthe can gain power from any connection that is made, no matter how seemingly insignificant." 

I raised my eyebrows. "Crap. If that's what happens after a couple little smooches, I'm scared to see what'll happen when I actually do it. Anyway, thanks Doc. We've gotta get the kids back to school." 

Scott rolled his eyes at the "kids" remark, and then we all left the vet clinic to get into Stiles' Jeep.


After Andri and I dropped Scott and Stiles back at school, we drove to get some ice cream from our favorite ice cream shoppe, Sprinkles. 

Andri had a Double-Trouble-Chocolatey-Fudge with Snickers and I had a scoop of Cotton Candy with KitKats mixed in. 

It was quiet while we were eating, until Andri broke the silence.

"You'd be like the most badass superhero ever."

I giggled. "Why's that?"

"You could be Gay Mind Reading Girl, who banishes bigotry with witty one-liners. I'd watch that action flick."

I almost chocked on my ice cream. Gay Mind Reading Girl. I actually really like the sound of that. "Well you're the one with the black-belt in Karate, so I'm pretty sure that you'd be the superhero. I'd be the sidekick."

Andri took a fistful of fries and shoved them into her mouth. I've always admired her ability to do that. 

"Dude, in this friendship, you're Buffy and I'm Willow. Even if you disregard the fact that I'm also a witch. I'm the smart one who instigates the research crew, and you're the one who uses sarcasm and kick-butt mental moves to bring good to the world."

I thought about that for a second. "Speaking of witches, how's the spell memorization going?"

She broke out into laughter. "Obviously, if you're asking that, you haven't seen our kitchen."

I stopped for a second and glared at her. "What the hell did you do?!"

She pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side, looking down at the fries. "Someone, and I'm not saying that it's me, accidentally spattered purple goo all over the walls trying to make a burrito."

"Really, you couldn't just get up and make it yourself? And what does purple goo have to do with making a burrito?"

"The spells are really similar, and I don't want to hear criticism from someone who has like a million bras, everywhere all over the floor. Seriously, you're such a slob!" She laughed.


I thought about what she said, the whole Buffy and Willow thing. It was weird that she thought she was the researcher and I was the Vampire Slayer. I've always thought it was the other way around.

Maybe that's just the way friendship works.


Thanks so much for reading, and I'm sorry for the late update! I've had a really intense week and so all of my fics are going to be a day late. Sorry about that! Vote, comment, follow, etc! :)

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