Week 7, Part 1: Thinking of You

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Andri and I were perched on the couch watching our favorite show, Teen Alpha.

I noticed that the plot line of the show was oddly congruent to our own lives. 

The main character was Scooter. He was a sweet, lovable protagonist. My only issue with him was that he was blandly moral, always trying to do the right thing. I mean, come on. You've gotta have some variety, right? Personally, I think it's better to keep people guessing. 

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, my head felt dizzy. I felt like I had been placed in a blender, going around and around. 

I got up and ran to the toilet. You can probably infer what happened next.


After a couple of minutes, I appeared to be done vomiting. 

I grabbed a soda and went back down to the couch with Andri.

Andri furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me. "So, uh, Pukes McGee, you alright?" She smiled nervously.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I just feel a little off. I think I'm fine though." We went back to watching TV. I started hearing voices. Actually, just one voice in particular. It sounded like Andri's.

Of course she'd say that. Oh, yeah, I was just throwing up for ten minutes, but whatever, I'm fine...

I turned my head to Andri. "Did you say something?"

She looked confused. "Uhh, no. Why?"

I put my hand on my temple. "Oh, I could've sworn I heard you say something about me throwing up, but maybe I'm just hearing things."

She laughed. "Well I didn't say it out loud. I was just thinking about how you always under-exaggerate things."

That was weird. Maybe that whole best friend telepathy crap is real. Haha! I'm funny. 

I jumped a little. "It just happened. Again. I'm hearing voices, your voice. Oh my God. And my head hurts like hell."

She laughed and paused Teen Alpha. "That's weird, what did I say?"

I gulped. I'm losing my mind, aren't I? "You were saying that maybe BFF telepathy is real, and then you laughed at yourself. Because you think you're funny."

Her eyes widened. 

Holy crap. That's like, exactly what I was thinking. What shit is she tripping on?

I stood up abruptly and raised my arms in frustration. "I don't know what shit I'm tripping on, Andri, but I'm freaking losing my mind! What the hell is going on?!"

Andri picked up her phone and dialed a number. "Hey Scotty Boy, please call me back. Kind of desperate. I know you're in school, but we're coming over and we'll get you out of class. Andri out.

She looked at me. "Dyl, do you know what the most efficient way to sneak in a school and grab some people is?"

I rolled my eyes. "Andri, the last time we went undercover-"

She smiled widely. "We're going undercover!! You still have those fake FBI badges the Winchester boys gave you, right?"

Please say yes, Please say yes. Come on, Dylan, I wanna go undercover! You can't resist my puppy eyes... She pouted at me and I caved in.

"Alright, but since I'm better at improvising I'm going to do most of the talking. You just follow my lead."


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