parĸ jιмιn

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Jimin was leisurely wasting his time on his bed binging on youtube videos in the dead of night. He was hiding in his blanket, his phone in front of his face in an alarming distance. Asking himself how the hell did he end up watching conspiracy theories, which he would probably ponder later on when he's got nothing better to do.

He's in the middle of watching a video about a platypus's life cycle when his apartment doorbell rang.

Jimin paused the video to listen again to check if it was just the sound from the video. But the doorbell kept ringing and Jimin unfortunately wasn't mistaken. There really was someone visiting him at 12 midnight. He couldn't think about anyone who would surprise visit him. Worst case scenario, they're just probably one of his drunk classmates from a party looking for a place to crash for the night. It happened before with Taehyung. Jimin ended up taking care of him and cleaning up his disgusting vomit.

Jimin groaned and aggressively thrashed around on his bed out of frustration. Then he painstakingly rolled off his bed and lazily stood up, not even bothering to put on a t-shirt. He didn't want to add more laundry to his large pile because Taehyung didn't even care one bit at Jimin's abs. So why bother?

Jimin yawned, feeling a bit sleepy while walking towards the front door and putting one of his hands in his gray sweatpant's pocket. He then peeked on the peephole.

Jimin's eyes widened.

The doorbell rang once more.

Jimin's mind was in chaos. He wasn't prepared for the person's surprise visit. His hair was a mess, his breath was probably stinking and he forgot to shower this morning. And he wasn't even wearing a t-shirt!

Jimin was about to go back to his room to search for a shirt when he heard the doorbell stop ringing.

Scared that the person might have gone, he ditched going to his room before it's too late, saying "fuck it" before dashing towards the door and abruptly opened it.

The person has already turned on his back, walking away from the door when it opened.


The said male stopped walking. He then turned around. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was red with tears streaming on his flushed cheeks. Small quiet hiccups escaped from the guy's lips.

"Are you okay?" Jimin said with his voice laced with worry and concern.

His question only made Namjoon cry harder. He quickly ran towards Jimin for a hug. Jimin opened his arms and enveloped the taller.

If anyone would see them right now, they would probably looked awkward as hell because of their height difference. Not that Jimin cared. What he only cared about was finding out the asshole who had the nerve of making Namjoon cry.

Jimin felt Namjoon's warm tears drop on his bare skin, sending shivers and goosebumps all over him.

He knew Namjoon wasn't one to easily cry even in a serious predicament. Namjoon liked to pretend he was strong enough to not easily crumble no matter how big or small his problem was. To see Namjoon breaking down was such a first for Jimin. Seeing a new side of the usually collected Namjoon clenched his heart. Jimin figured this was the first and last time he wanted to see Namjoon cry.

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