jυng нoѕeoĸ

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I rarely update and I feel like I'm neglecting this book. I'm sorry. This is also not my usual lengthy 4k-word chapter because my dumbass brain and slow af fingers wouldn't fucking cooperate.

Warning: A lot of curse words again and me trying to write angst. :D

P.S. This time, Namjoon is the whipped one.



Namjoon closed his eyes and shut it tightly. He inhaled shakily, his nose red and flaring, his mouth thinning and teeth clenching. Trying his best to calm himself before he could do anything he would regret later on.

This is the 9th time for this month. The 9th time his self-control and patience was put to test repetitively. If this could go on any longer, he might actually go crazy before he can even finish his essay. His fucking essay he was currently working on that was perfectly dry a minute ago that turned into a drenched mess of his own spit and mustard flavored mango juice.

"Hoseok..." Namjoon warily started. He opened his eyes. The brunette was looking down and rubbing his arm with one hand. He looked like a kicked puppy. Namjoon's eyes softened at the sight. His resolve to give Hoseok a proper scolding this time easily shattered.

He couldn't do it this time, could he?

Namjoon heaved a deep sigh at his own internal defeat against himself. His logical more composed self couldn't seem to win against a part of himself that deeply cares and loves Hoseok to the bottom of his heart. He was totally smitten with the brunette no matter how immature the guy acted. And so, he was stuck with his normal reaction whenever Hoseok decides to do one of his 'harmless' pranks on Namjoon.

"Hoseok, what did I tell you about you and your pranks?" Namjoon tried to sound stern and scary. Although he knew Hoseok wouldn't actually get scared of him. Knowing that Hoseok was used to being reprimanded by Namjoon.

"I only used mustard this time," Hoseok stared at him in the eye, the corner of his mouth lifted up, a futile attempt to hopefully make Namjoon think it was a harmless joke.

"I don't think it was just mustard. And you--" Namjoon pointed at the paper that he was working on that was now blotched yellow. He knew he should've written his draft in his laptop, but ideas refused to flow in his brain because he works better when he wrote them with his hand. "You fucking ruined my essay draft," Namjoon said, voice laced with anger.

"Technically, you're the one who spit it--" Hoseok abruptly stopped speaking when he realized what he have said, "--because it was my fault that I pranked you. I'm really sorry Namjoon. I won't do it again. I promise," he warily took a step closer and hugged the taller. He puts his chin on Namjoon's shoulder and wrapped the lanky guy in his arms. Just like the other times, Namjoon was again wrapped around Hoseok's grasp.

And just like the usual, he forgave him.

It was a late Sunday night when Namjoon was doing his homework. He was making it on his laptop due to the fact that he's been traumatized by Hoseok's last prank. It's been weeks since Hoseok's last prank and Namjoon hoped that Hoseok finally matured enough to realize that Namjoon didn't actually enjoy Hoseok's pranks.

You see, Namjoon knew how much Hoseok loved to pull pranks early into their relationship. He thought it was cute and funny. And pranks were just another way to show your significant other that you love them and he considered it as 'couple goals' shit that teenagers were raving about. And all was fine before.

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