мιn yoongι

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I dedicate this chapter to my real life bestfriend who made those beautiful covers of my stories. uwu And she's the reason why I write now. She coaxed me to write and share my stories in wattpad and I just love her for pushing me when I needed it. So yeah I thank her so much and I freaking love her. ❤

Also I'm back! Although I know you missed Namjoon's ass getting it more than me. ;D And by the way, just to be clear. I don't promote or tolerate animal abuse, okay? I felt sorry writing it even though it wasn't real. :(

Warning: Joonie will be cussing a lot. D:

P.S. Also Yoongi is Namjoon's lil meow meow. :D


Namjoon was peacefully walking on his way home from school. The cold wind of the fall air blew, signifying that winter is coming. He clutched his scarf wrapped around his neck. It wasn't winter yet but it was already freezing. He wasn't still used to the cold and he will never be.

When he turned around a corner, he heard row rumblings of growls and screeches of animals fighting in a dark secluded alley. He thought he might've heard dogs and cats fighting. Namjoon shouldn't be caring but he found himself drawn to the dark alley. He walked warily while looking straight ahead at the dim end of the alley. There he found two furry scary-looking large dogs growling at a defenseless small white cat. One of the dogs leaped and tried to bite off the cat but the cat quickly avoided the dog's fangs and scratched the dog's eyes instead, making the large dog whimper and drop to the ground. The other dog was about to attack when Namjoon acted on impulse.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Namjoon screamed loudly while running towards the animals. He opened his bag and pulled out one of his thick textbooks and proceeded to throw it harshly to the dog. The dog yelped loudly before it ran off. The other dog slowly got up vigilantly while growling lowly at the cat before following the other one.

After things settled down, Namjoon looked at the cat that was busy licking at its paw. Then he went and grabbed his dirtied textbook. Thankfully, the pages weren't torn and it's still pretty much intact so he heaved a relieved sigh and put it back on his backpack.

Then he went out of the alley, completely oblivious of his new little companion. When he arrived at his house, he went directly to his room after kissing his mom.

He threw his bag on a corner after he closed the door. He then started peeling off his uniform, facing against the window even though the curtains weren't draped and the expanse of his room can be clearly seen from outside. But there's a wall barricade outside their house that partially covers his window so he's not really bothered by it.

Namjoon was half naked and currently unbuttoning his pants when he felt sudden bolts of shivers running down his spine. It felt like something or rather someone was staring at him. So before he completely pulls down his pants, he looked at his window but as expected, he didn't find anyone. So he just shrugged it off and regarded the shivers as the cold. Then he continued to peel off his pants.

Little did he know that the same snow white cat was sitting on top of the wall, staring at the unaware brunette intently. Watching Namjoon's apple shaped ass wiggle to let the pants down. His briefs were clinging a little tight making his butt perkier. The cat licked its own mouth.

Namjoon went to his closet to put on a random t-shirt and shorts. Then he immediately slumped on his bed on his back, sighing with relief. It had been a long day for him. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening it again. He stared at the ceiling while recollecting the day's events.

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