Take Us Away

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Astro placed his hands in his pockets as he looked down, he had his hood over his head as he walked to a rundown hospital. A doctor was waiting for Astro outside with something in his hand. Astro pulled some money from his pocket and gave it to the doctor, whom gave Astro some pills back. Astro then quickly walked away from the man without a word.

Astro went back to his car and got inside. He let out a glitched cough or two before sighing and leaning back in his chair. He closed his eyes for a moment, but then quickly reopened them when someone opened his car door and sat in the back seat. He turned around quickly to see a almost familiar looking man.

"As I live and breath, Astro Boy... and he's a junkie now." The man said, in a disappointed tone, but with a grin.

"Who are you?" Astro questioned, not politely but not menacingly.

"You know, you got a gun shot on your door." The man pointed out. "Last night some friends of mine from Texas called. Told me they found 3 dead cholos in the pool out 54. Nothing unusual, I know. Except one missing a hand another one a leg." Astro gulped. "So they was thinking... It was either an escaped tiger or Freddy Kruger. But none of them can drive, one being fictional, and the other one extinct."

Astro clenched his fists, what did this man want?!

"And since the wheel marks they found belong to a 24 Chrysler... and his is a 24 Chrysler. Ain't it?" The man smirked and licked his teeth, one tooth was golden. "She found you yet? (M/N)." Astro didn't say anything. The man leaned forward, closer to Astro. "You see, I'm not looking for you Astro, well not really, I'm looking for someone who's lookin' for you." The man frowned. "She took something of mine when I wasn't looking. Something for which I am responsible of." His lip twitched, almost into a scowl. "(Y/Nationality) lady. Has her sights on you now." Astro frowned at the man and looked at him and anger, he just wanted him to get out of his car. "Doesn't ring any bells?" The man asked, pouting slightly.

"I don't know any (M/N), so get out of my car." Astro ordered.

The man frowned and put on a hurt face. He took a breath in and sat closer to Astro. "You know, I know what you're hiding amigo. The ol' house south of the border." Astro's eyes widened, how did he find out where he lived?!

"What do you want?" Astro asked, almost in a begging tone.

"A little cooperation." The man said, he then passed Astro a business card. Astro didn't take it, so the man just dropped it into his seat. The man was about to leave the car, but then stopped once his hand was on the door. "I'm a fan, by the way." He told with a smile. Then, he got out and just walked away. Astro quickly fumbled for the card and picked it up. He couldn't read it that well, but he did see the man's name. 'Alexander Mini Mini' Astro's eyes widened.

"N-No way.. No!" Astro yelled, throwing the card down.


Astro held the phone up to his ear as he drove. "No Miss Hope, no. I know I said June, but I need the boat now, why would that mean the price goes up?" Astro furrowed his brow as he looked at the magazine with an advertisement for a boat on it. "Listen to me, please. I know you want 70..." Astro sighed as he tried to negotiate with the women on the phone. "Okay. What if I can put together $45,000 in cash right now?" No one answered. "Hello? Hello?" Astro sighed, the lady hung up on him. He put the phone down and hit his head on the back of the chair.

Astro's car slowed as he came across a boarder with security.

"State your name." The officer demanded.

"Delivery robot DN-630, passing on a package." Astro lied.

"They still make those? Wow.." The officer opened the gate to let Astro through to the other side of the boarder. The boy sighed and drove further into the desert. Driving still felt weird to the android, he wanted to fly everywhere like he used to, but he was afraid of running out of energy or that if he tried to fly, he wouldn't actually be capable of doing it. That would break his heart.

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang