They'll Be Hurting Soon

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Astro had put O'shay on the folded out couch for him to fall asleep. While you had followed them, your vision moved to another room, it was Neil's room.

"Do you want the TV on? There's a TV here." Astro said, holding up a remote.

"I'm fine."

"Alright." Astro nodded and put the blanket over O'shay. "Get some rest Doctor." Astro smiled before turning around to leave.

"You know Astro, this is what life looks like. A home, with people who love each other." O'shay had his hand over his chest. Astro nodded and looked down. "You should take a moment and feel it."

Astro bit the inside of his mouth and sighed. "Yeah, it feels great." He said sarcastically. He then walked to the door and opened it.

"Astro, you still have time." Astro froze and half glanced back at O'shay.

"Doctor, the world isn't the same as it once was.." He sighed. "We're taking a risk hanging around here, you know that.. And where we're going, M.O.S, it doesn't exist. A nurse got it from a manga book." His voice became a devastated whisper. "You understand? It's not real."

"It is for (Y/N)..." Astro turned his body around to look at O'shay who returned his gaze. "It is for (Y/N)."

"G-Get some rest." Astro almost crushed the door knob as he left the room.


Astro walked to a corn field with the father, Will had a torch and so did he. "Canewood beverage bought every land up except for ours." The father explained. "We wouldn't sell, They tried under domain. They still mess with our water. A couple of months ago, somebody poisoned our dogs."

"So they were on highways today, those trucks?" Astro asked.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"What does 'canewood' make?" Astro questioned.

"Corn syrup. Tastes like shit though." The father scoffed.

"Why do people eat it?"

"Eat it? Naw, it's a drink. People buy it to stay awake, cheer up, feel strong, sexy, whatever."


You slightly opened the door to Neil's room, making a creaking noise. He turned back to look at you. You both made eye contact and then he just continued to do his homework. You walked further into his room and looked at his medals. You gently touched the head of one and pushed it back carefully.

"They are all second and third place at horse riding." Neil said. "I'm not too good, but my dad makes me." He placed in his earphones again. You noticed this and bent down to the height of the chair he was sitting on and stared at the headphone with wide and gleaming eyes. He furrowed his brow and took one out. "Do you.. want to listen?" He asked, handing one to you. You placed it in your ear and listen to the Rock band sing. You both made eye contact, making Neil turn red. "D-Do you like it?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Y-You can take it for the night!" He stood up. "I'll get it back from you tomorrow." You looked up at him and then back down to the iPod he gave you.


Will cut the chains on a gate and pushed it open for him and Astro. Astro flashed the light for Will so he could see what he was doing. "Looks like we're going to be here for a while." Will sighed as he moved to the next gate to open. He cut the chain once again and opened it. 

There was a large pipe that was leaking pretty badly. Astro sighed and grabbed a few tools so the both of them could start.


You sat on the floor bellow O'shay's bed. You put the iPod down and reached into you pocket. You pulled out a photo and unfolded it. The photo was of four people, including you. A boy was farthest on the right, he had green hair and a red crown going across his forehead. He had aqua armour that was outlined with a yellow. A red diamond was in the middle of his chest plate.

Next to him was a rather serious looking girl. She had two, blue pigtails that stuck out like wings. In between her bangs was a yellow gem. She didn't have ears, only two yellow circles instead. She had light blue skin tight clothes that had dark blue armour over it.

You were standing next to her, or rather, you were supposed to be. You had been ripped out from the picture, your face half hanging from the photo. You frowned, it must have caught onto something and ripped.

And last, there was a tall and beefy boy beside you, he looked mad, or flustered. He had dark green hair and a yellow crown resting on the side and top of his head. He had red marks on his cheeks and went down like two lines. He had dark tanned skin and dark armour that was green and grey.

You stared at them with hooded eyes. One day, you would frame the photo.


Astro helped Will fix the leaking pipes and sighed. Will was out of breath and was really wondering how Astro was barely breathing at all. "Thanks." Astro took off his jacket. "That'll hold until next time, t-thanks." He said. "Hey, so uh... How long has your girl been like that?" Will asked, talking about you.

"Huh?" Astro turned around, putting his jacket down on the floor.


Astro's eyes widened. "Uhm.. Since, well, since the beginning." Will nodded.

"Yeah, well in a lot of ways I envy you." Will said. "When they get to be Neil's age, the nonsense that comes out of their mouths.." Will trailed off. Astro attention was brought to some cars driving up close to them. Will noticed and looked at them. "Shit." He mumbled. He searched his pockets a pulled out a gun. Astro eyed it. "Don't worry, we won't need it." Will told. "Stay here."

"Good evening, Mr. Munson. What brings you out this way?" A man came out of a car, he certainly look like a cowboy.

"You should ask your boys." Will said, gesturing towards the two men behind him.

"Mr. Munson, you know that you're trespassing now, right?"

"I had a lease with the previous owner of this property." Will explained.

"Bullshit." One of the men behind the cowboy said.

"The previous offered it to me." The cowboy then saw Astro. "Who's this?" He asked.

Astro stepped forward. "Just a guy telling you to get back in your truck." Astro said in a low tone.

"Hey, Carl... Looks like Mr Munson hired some muscle." The cowboy snickered.

"He's a friend of mine." Will said.

"He's a friend with a big mouth."

"I hear that a lot." Astro crossed his arms.

"Then you probably heard this too." The cowboy loaded the rifle he had and it made a nice 'click' noise.

"More than I'd like." Astro stepped forward again.

"Then you know the drill." The cowboy started moving closer to the both of them. "I'm going to count to three and you're going to start walking away."

"I've got rights to this one-" Will started.

"1!" The cowboy pointed his gun at Will. "2!" The cowboy continued coutning until Astro grabbed the end of the man's rifle, he ripped it out of his hands and smacked the cowboys face with it, knocking him back.

"3." Astro snapped the gun over his knee. "You know the drill, get in your car and drive off." Astro threw the two gun parts to the side. The men scattered to the car and left with a few curse words. 

Astro let out a few coughs and then turned around back to the pipe, to grab his jacket. "You've.. had training?" Asked Will.

"Eh, Some."

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Where stories live. Discover now