"Yeah," I breathe out, still in shock and happiness that our best friend is going to pull through.

A few wrong turns later, Nate, Tyler and I step into room four hundred and seventy nine. Emily is on the hospital bed with a few machines hooked up to her. The beeping of the heart monitor is the only sound filling the room since neither of us could utter out a word.

Emily looks broken.

Her light lilac hair is spread out on the pillow, looking matted and worse for wear. The bruises on her face and the slash across her cheek aren't the only evidence that Emily went through hell and back. Her left leg is plastered in a purple cast, the result of a golf club and a hell of a lot of muscle. There's an IV in her arm feeding her all the drugs one could dream about.

She's probably higher than Snoop Dogg after a good night out.

In all seriousness, I'm disgusted about how she sustained the injuries, but also glad and grateful at the same time.

Her abusive mother beat her only child up to a complete pulp. The worst part? Her only reason for doing that was because Emily had accidentally vomited in the kitchen sink while cooking breakfast for her demanding, malevolent mother.

The good thing? Her mother is now locked up in a cell at the local police department with the weight of child abuse, physical abuse and hopefully life in jail. She's going into court tomorrow, thankfully, and will be sentenced guilty and then taken to prison shortly after.

Since Emily is already eighteen, she has the option to move out. I'm not sure where she will go to though, because she could either stay at Nate or my house, or buy one.

I'm just glad that psycho bitch is going to prison. Heck, she deserves to rot in hell.


Nate refuses to leave Emily's side.

She had just regained consciousness for fifteen minutes around half an hour ago, but is now asleep again. Nate hasn't eaten anything in way too long, and definitely needs a shower since he stinks worse than a dogs ass. I tried to tell him that, but he completely ignored me, saying he wanted to be there for Emily every time she wakes up.

He's so sweet.

"Oh fuck it," I say as my stomach grumbles loudly, "Tyler and I are going to go get some dinner, well bring some back for you."

Nate grins cheekily, "Thanks, I'm starving."

I mimic him, rolling my eyes. "Well, you could have but you're determined not to eave her side. She even told you that you stink but you were too busy crying for heavens sake."

Yeah, Nate cried when Emily woke up. He started singing heaps of cheesy songs while Emily nearly melted with happiness when he was practically serenading her.

Sure, she gave me a sad smile and thanked Tyler and I for being there for her, but later diverted all her attention to her greedy boyfriend.

Jesus, it's like he's taking her off of me. This must be stopped.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask as I open the passenger door to Tyler's car.

"Hm," Tyler thinks for a second, "KFC? I haven't had it forever. I could eat a whole freaking chicken I'm that hungry. No lunch! I had no lunch Nova. It feels like my stomach is eating itself."

"Poor diddums," I laugh at him. "So much for going to the supermarket."

Tyler rolls his eyes, "I'm sure my mom can go and buy the grocery's instead of letting her poor son and his girlfriend deal with it."

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