Jeez, look at you Nova. You're a mess.

I ran upstairs, not paying any attention to Austin as he was screaming at someone on the phone. It's either one of his Xbox friends, or his ex-girlfriend. Judging by what he is saying, it would have to be his ex. The weird, possessive girl who couldn't leave him alone. I'm glad I never met her, I probably would have wanted to kick her in the throat or pull her vocal chords out. But, that's a little violent and I promised Austin that I wouldn't go all protective big sister on his girlfriends.

Too bad I'm giving Savannah a little 'chat' tomorrow night at work. Ah, the joy of being an older sister. You have so much power, I swear. Well, at least in Austin and my brother-sister-ship we do. I just don't think Austin knows that yet.

I groan in frustration, because I just can't seem to find anything to wear. I have one hour to get ready, an I've already pulled my wardrobe apart, my room looking like a hurricane had just hit it. Why is it, that when someone tells you to dress casually, it's so hard? Casual should be easy, but I was always feel like when I wear casual, I'm either trying too hard or trying not hard enough.

I'd already settled on a pair of blue jeans and my black converse, but couldn't find a shirt that would suit it. My choice was between a mint green peplum top, and a floral layered tank top. I groaned in annoyance, closing my eyes and grabbing one at random since I just couldn't pick one.

I picked the floral shirt. I shrugged, putting it on over my bra. It covered just to the top of my jeans, and looked pretty good in my opinion. I'm absolutely hopeless at dressing casual, so this is probably the best I'm going to get.

I run into the bathroom to pin my side fringe back, and put some mascara and tinted lip balm on. After I finished making myself up, I grab my black leather handbag, throw my wallet, phone and perfume in for that just-in-case moment.

"Took your time," Austin comments as I come down the stairs, fiddling with the strap of my handbag. I hadn't used it for ages, and had a growth spurt since then so it looked way too high on my side. "You look good."

"You're supposed to say that I look amazingly gorgeous and that you're jealous of my looks," I reply sarcastically. Austin pokes his tongue out at me, continuing to cook dinner for himself. Mom and Dad would fend for themselves, or cook something when they feel like it. I breathed in the smell of chicken and gravy, wishing that I could go and eat it all. "Tyler better feed me some good food," I stare lovingly at the chicken, "Because I am starving."

"You just had pop tarts," Austin pointed out, putting the chicken breast in the pot of gravy. Oh god, I could just imagine how good it tastes.

"They didn't fill me up!" I shriek, "Stop judging my appetite, I'm a growing girl." I'm just glad that I do sports, or I would be the tall, door-wide girl if I didn't. "Tyler accepts it, so that's all that matters."

"Ah, whatever," Austin shakes his head with a laugh. It's no surprise that he and I have the appetites of a person who hasn't eaten for a week. He's more obsessed with meat, while I prefer tacos and Mexican food, really. Must be the Spanish side of me showing?

I check the time on the clock. Tyler is due at around 7:00, and it's fifteen to at the moment. It's usually weird that I run on time, because I'm usually always the one who is lagging behind. My body clock works fifteen minutes late, that's what.

I sit down in the lounge room, Austin soon following with his amazingly smelling food, and turn the TV on to watch something interesting and entertain myself for the next fifteen minutes. Austin snatches the remote off me to put a South Park marathon off me, not that I mind though.

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