I ponder it over in my head. No, Tyler hated me way too much to ever think of me in a way other than wanting to pound my head in with a large hammer. "Stop with the false hope Allie," I pout.

She gasps loudly, throwing her hand over her mouth. "So you do like him!"

"I don't know," I groan, slapping my forehead with the palm of my left hand. "Why are we even talking about him anyway? How about we talk about Aden?"

Again, Allie blushes. Allie is just a normal girl. She blushes over he crushes, she's possessive over her boyfriend—clearly understandable—and secretly wishes that maybe her and her ex could get back together (just not so secretly for her) since it was only a mutual break up. I realise then that maybe I shouldn't have assumed that Allie was the bad guy, because there's always two sides to the story than what we think.

"Oh, he's so cute," she gushes. "He's got curly blonde hair that glows in the sun, and his eyes are so adorable. I could just look at them all day. Oh, and he's so shy and quiet. When he opens up for you, nothing feels better than that."

I smile genuinely, "He sounds nice. You should ask him out or something, since he's shy."

"Oh god no," she turns to look at me with a horrified look on her face. "What if he rejects me?"

"He won't," I shake my head, "Because you're actually really nice. I never would have thought that we'd be friends one day."

"Me neither," she smiles, "But I'm glad we're friends, because you're actually not that bad, after all."

We continue small talk for the next half an hour while Emily poked and prodded Nate to try and get the keys for the car. She was shocked when she saw Allie and me communicating nicely, and even came over to see if Allie was actually as bad as she was talked up to be.

We turned our seats away from the fire and faced them towards the water, giving up with Nate since it was obvious we would have to wait until he was less drunk and more sober before we could snatch them off him. The cove has the nicest beach, with clear white sand and clear blue water. The moon illuminates onto the water, casting its glow and beckoning me to go in. I didn't want to though, because Emily and I had checked the temperature a while ago and it was absolutely freezing.

Just as I finished getting comfortable in the flimsy chairs, Tyler walked in front of me and blocked my view from the ahead of me. I frown, what does he want?

Tyler had been off with the guys all night, mainly sticking around with Austin so that he didn't drink. Austin is a daredevil much like Nate—I think he got it off of him since they've been friends for ages. Since Tyler doesn't drink, I could trust that he would look after my little brother.

"Hey Nova," he taunts, a smirk growing on his lips and a mischievous look in his eye. The fire casts its glow onto his face, making him look like some evil villain from a superhero movie.

Then, he walks closer to me, pulling me off the camper chair by my wrists and throwing me over his shoulder with ease.

I gasp, pounding on his back to put me down. "You put me down on the beautiful sand right now, or I will make your life a living hell."

He snickers, advancing towards the freezing cold water that is usually a lovely place to be—just not now. In no way do I want to go for a midnight swim.

"Stop struggling," he smacks my butt with the hand that he is using to hold me up with.

"Don't touch my butt without asking," I squeal, squirming in his grip.

"I don't need to ask," he says, taking longer strides to reach the water quicker, "Because I know you love it, regardless me asking if I can or not."

Playing Matchmaker (Original) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now