1. All That Glitters

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I don't know how else to describe us besides average. Yeh, my mom had left some time ago now, but my dad was good to me. I didn't have any siblings, so when he came home from his boating trips, the only one that was spoiled in the strong scent of ocean water and the warmth of his arms was me.
He used to take me down to the docks every night before bed, where the light from the moon reflected onto the calm ripples, and tell me tales of all the adventures we would have at sea together. God, back then you couldn't keep me away from the water. Now I can't look at it without feeling nauseous.

"KEIIITHHH," I heard a bellowing voice from the other room and sat from my bed.
"Eh yeh yeh I'm comin' !" I slipped on my apron and pulled my hair back into a messy bun, hurriedly running outside before I had to hear his drunkard screams again.
"Why didn't ya come down sooner? You're not a princesses in this palace, earn your livin' boy." He grunted and threw me a face mask.
"Yeh, sorry sir," I murmured. I looked down at the piles of seafood sat before me and tried my best not to breathe in the pungent smell. "Damn do I hate fish," I thought, grabbing a bright blue one and decapitating it in one quick slice.
All throughout the day, I worked the station, pleasing the needs of busy customers with no sense of patience for a common market boy. I'd never received a proper education, and had to drop out of high long ago to help my uncle pay off his ever growing debts. Every once in awhile, the old man would come down and help, but even if he did it wasn't for long, so he could return to his room, reeking of cheap vodka and whiskey, and drink till he passed out.
"Sick bastard," I mumbled as I gutted the spines like I was piercing his own. I signed and rubbed my knuckles against my eyes painfully. "What kind of a man have u become, Shirogane?" I wondered.

I watched her from my window and she creaked softly in the wind. I could never get any closer than this, but here, it felt like I was lying to myself. Could I really keep living like this? I have to go, just once...I felt my hands start to shake at my weakness, and enough fury burned in my chest to send me as far as the doorframe, where the cold air hit my legs like stinning nettles. From far away I could still make out the faded name Krolia in lavender lettering. Why, why can't I just go see....
I sighed and accepted my cowardice, making my way slowly inside when I heard Uncle Shiro screaming to someone in the room next door. None of my business I thought and quietly made my way past until
"So what?/! Like I care if the boy knows!" I stopped dead in my tracks and peered around the corner. What did he mean? If it concerns me....
Another's mans voice now, softer, more concerned.
"Takashi you know how mad he'll get! That's the only thing left of your brother you know!"
"Hell with it! You know he's scared to go near it? Won't touch the damn thing since then, or go near the water at all in fact! He's a sad excuse for a nephew anyways."

My heart stopped, and not because of his words of undying hatred, but my boat, they were talking about it! What do-
"Not that that piece of junk will be worth much, but with this I'll be so close to paying off the last of the gangs in the area..."
I didn't listen to the rest of what he said. All I could hear was my own heart in my chest. They're going to take her....
I stuffed my bad full of food and water
I'll never see it again...
I grabbed my jacket and Shiro's compass.
"I'm sorry." I thought. "I'm so so sorry. But you can't have her!"

I was in the doorway again, I had to move, I can't stay here, they'll catch me. I breathed slowly, steadily, thought of my dad. Of what we could have done, of what I can still do! And of what I can't if I don't.....go.
A pause, a single breath, then I ran.

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