I'm overwhelmed by his words and I feel the the tears prickling the back of my eyes and the lump forming in the back of my throat. In that moment, I jump on him and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders. I have never felt so loved in my life and I feel like I'm floating I'm so happy. I felt his arms snake around my waist and he dragged me towards him. He buried his face in my hair and kissed me repeatedly. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and inhaled his intoxicating smell. It was a mixture of cigarettes, his cologne and his own scent, my favourite. It made me feel safe, loved and warm. I could hold onto him forever.

We broke apart and his eyes burned into mine. I felt a blush creep onto my face from his intense, concerning stare. "Thank you," I said.

"I'm only telling the truth," he replied.

"How about we do something later? I want to take you out," he questioned.

"I don't think that's agood idea," I said and I saw the disappointment flash through his eyes. "People could see us."

"I know but they won't because we can drive out of town and do something. I just want to be able to hold you and kiss you in public. Come on, it will be fun. I want to because you've been through so much in the past months and some off that is down to me. I want to apologise for Nicole, your mother, my past because you deserve somebody far better than me." he said.

"Okay," I agreed timidly. "But you can't keep blaming yourself for things that you had no control over. My mother for starters, you didn't know so don't blame yourself and as for your past you can't change that so stop dwelling on it. I've already told you I'm not leaving you, no matter what you may tell me one day."

"I'll never stop because it's my job to protect you and I've already failed. I've hurt you more than helped you and I'm trying to make up for it the best I can." he said.

"And you're doing a grand job, Mr Haner." I said as I pulled him close to me and planted a kiss on his soft lips. I would never get tired of the feeling of his lips pressed against mine. It was pure pleasure. He's my drug and I'm totally addicted.

"Make sure you dress up tonight. That's the only clue I'm giving you," he laughed. "And don't ask me anything else because I won't tell you. I know what you're like, Miller."

I hold my hands up innocently. "I won't but I think I should be getting to my next class." I sighed. I really didn't want to leave. I just wanted to stay with him all day.

"Okay, you don't want keep Mr Smith waiting." he chuckled.

"I'm sure he wouldn't even notice unlike you," I said recalling the time he shouted at me for being late.

"You're too beautiful to overlook." he replied and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks straightaway. When will I ever be able to accept his compliments? Probably never.

I giggled and walked towards the door. I unlocked it and walked out into the busy corridor that was filled with people scrambling to get to there next class. I headed for my locker and quickly changed books. I wasn't looking forward to History at all. Nicole is the main reason and I have no good looking teacher to distract me from her evil, intense stare. I wish I could just been in his classes all day, it would make life so much easier. I feel protected when he's around and I know he would be the first to tell Nicole if she tried anything.

I hurried along the corridors and into the classroom. I took my normal seat at the back of the room and scanned the rest of the already seated class. I noticed Nicole wasn't present which seemed a bit odd. She never usually missed class, even though she tries to act all dumb, she actually isn't. She gets good grades. I shrug the thought away not wanting to think about that evil witch.

I open my text book and my eye catches the silver ring that Brian gave me last night. I sit and admire its beauty. His mother had fine taste. I twiddle it around in my fingers and I can't help but think about mine and Brian's future as the teacher drones on in the background. I can picture myself growing old with him which sounds humbling and strangly comforting. It warms my heart as I think about him because I know deep down, he's my forever and this ring is to show it to everyone.

"Sophie Miller, you need to report to the principles office." Mr Smith said ripping me away from my thoughts. He chucks the piece of paper on his desk and goes back to teaching. Why do I need to see the principle? I've done nothing wrong. Then, my mind crosses over to Brian. Oh no.

I quickly jump out of my seat collecting my thing. I scrambled out of the door and walked fast to the principles office. I felt sick. What if this was it? He was going to be ripped away from me. I couldn't bare to lose him now, not after everything.

I reached his office and I started at the white door, frightened to go in. I felt like I was going to pass out any minute, I was that scared. I grasped the gold handle and gave a light knock on the door and opened it.

It revealed my worst nightmare. Nicole was sat in one of the chairs in front of his mahogany desk. She turned round to look at me and she had tears streaming down her face along with her mascara and I knew they would be fake tears. She gave me a sly smirk as I looked to my left to see Brian with his head in his hands. I just wanted to go over to him and hold him, tell him everythings going to be alright but deep down I know thats not true, not if Nicole is spinning the truth, making it even worse than it already is. I gulped trying to avoid the lump growing in the back of my throat.

"Miss Miller, you better take a seat. There is a few things we need to discuss," he said sternly.

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