Chapter 12- too much

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*Hayleys POV*
I dropped to the floor on my knees and gasped, I had never been standing while it was on the highest mode
" s-stop" I said while shaking and tightening my legs together, I looked up at Max who was clearly enjoying this

"Did you just tell me to stop!?" He yelled and I jumped
"S-sorry" I could feel myself getting a knot in my stomach, I was about to cum and I didn't want to cum here, I'm on the floor....I really do look like a pet right now

"Master-I-I'm going to cum" I squealed and he smirked at me "go to the couch" he pointed to the one in the living room, I stood up and walked over slowly, every movement making me want to moan

"Pick a number between 5-10" was he going to spank me again?
"Uh-6" I moaned and he chuckled, he came over and took my pants off then removed my panties, he slipped his finger in me and took out the vibrator, I gasped as soon as it left it was replaced by Max fingering me

"Ahhhh" I moaned louder and louder until I came all over his hand, he smiled and then went down on me, his tongue was going in and out of me

"I'm- im gonna cum again" I said while arching my back

"Go ahead" he said and continued to eat me out, I came on him and he licked me clean "4 more to go" he smiled
"Four more?" I asked
"Yes you picked the number 6 so I'll give you six orgasms, this is your punishment for playing with what's mine" he laughed towards the end
"But I can't take four more, I'm tired just from these two" I whined but he didn't care
"It's a punishment" he smirked and pushed a finger in me

I arched my back and moaned, Max took of my top and bra leaving me naked, he slipped in two more fingers which made me cry out in pleasure, I felt a knot in my stomach and I knew I was going to cum again, I couldn't stand it anymore, I was going crazy from the pleasure

I moaned/screamed as I came for the third time
"Please- master no more" I begged max for no more but he just smiled "since you've been a good girl I'll only do one more, but this will be the most intense out of all of them" he chuckled and flipped my over

My butt was facing him, I felt his hands go alone my butt and squeeze me, I moaned, all of a sudden he pushed the vibrator in my butt, I screamed at it out my head down

"Shhhh be a good girl this is your last one and we will be done"

*Max POV*
I flipped her over and pushed a vibrator in her butt, she screamed and out her head down, I felt bad and I shouldn't be feeling bad, I hate this feeling that she gives me

I put another finger in her heat and fingered her until she came again, I took the vibrator and and turned her back over, she looked exhausted and there were tears coming from her eyes, I got my thumb and wiped them away, she looked at me confused

"Why are you being so gentle now? You always leave when your done" she said softly, but she was right, why haven't I left and why am I being gentle, I- I don't know but something about her makes me feel- I- I don't know weird

*Hayleys POV*
I asked him why he was so gentle now, his never been like this, but I like it, I felt safe when his hand was wiping my tears away, could I be falling for him? No way! Get a grip Hayley, there is no chance for you two, he just fucks girls and then leaves, his a fuckboy and that all, plus his even said it himself, he is a fuck boy and I will not catch feelings for him, all we do is have sex and that is all

He got up and left, he looked angry...not at me but himself, I wonder why he was angry....

I put my clothes on and fixed myself, I went to the kitchen to find no ice cream or anything, that's when I heard the front door open :) it was Hayes and he had a tub of ice cream in his hand.... I rushed up and grabbed it from him and walked back into my room

"MY ICECREAM" Hayes yelled as I shut my door locking it, I laughed and sat down and ate it while watching a movie

*Max POV*
I walked downstairs and Hayes was in the kitchen mad, he walked off somewhere for a bit and I saw he had ice cream tub so I took it and walked off and went to my room and ate it

Hayes bursted through my door and saw that I had the tub of ice cream
"That was my last tub" he screamed and stormed out, I shrugged and continued to eat it, I'm in a bad mood and ice cream is all I want, he can go get some more, the store is 5 minutes away anyways so why is he complaining

*Hayleys POV*
I finished my ice cream and went downstairs to see Hayes in a ball on the couch, he looked up and gave me a dirty look "why am I getting dirty looks?" I questioned him

"You and Max took my ice cream that I had gotten" I couldn't help but laugh and walk off

To be continued....
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:) enjoy Hayes POV 😂
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*Hayes POV*
I walked in and Hayley came up and took a tub of ice cream off me, I knew this would happen so that's why I brought two tubs hehehehe

I placed the tub in the kitchen and then walked off to go grab my lucky spoon which was in my room, I came back down to find ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKEN ICE CREAM ANYWHERE, I ran up stairs and saw max eating my last tub, I ran back down and threw a fit because HOW DARE THEY EAT MT ICE CREAM!!

20 minutes later

Hayley came down and asked what's wrong, I went to tell her and she walked off laughing.....
I hate them all

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