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             The mayor and his wife strolled quickly over to the young couple, "Oh!, his wife called ,"whats has happened? " her question directed at Liesel's companion, Rudy started to begin explaining,"I...the...erm...bomb...." Liesel  interrupted him,wanting not for him to strain his precious voice,"he barely survived the bomb." the words leaving her mouth Liesel noticed how sad and depressing their surroundings had become.

                  "I see," the tall woman said,"well im delighted to inform you that you'll have a home while everything is being repaired,you see we have a couple rooms we do not use ,and both of us," she stated bumping her husband so that he smiled,"would absolutely love for you and," she paused not sure what to call the blond boy,"Rudy!", Liesel informed the middle aged woman,"his name is Rudy. " she finished her statement allowing the mayor's wife to finish speaking," you and Rudy to come stay with us!" her voice ending on a happy note.

                The Book Thief and Jesse Owens were then loaded into the expensive car.As they drove to their destination,  Rudy and Liesel sat in the back , holding hands trying to calm each others nerves,for I'm afraid to say i think they had been shocked and terrorized from the previous events,never to be the same ever again.








Hey guys! so im back into the swing of Wattpad so I'll be updating often!

im gonna make this short and brief

please don't copy my story or any components to it i have a copyright! so please dont take my ideas and storyline and say its your own!

((Credit to the author of the book thief though its not all mine,the characters are his but the storyline after the bomb is mine so please don't copy,like i read someone copying my idea of how death gives Rudy back and his soul and all i have copyright,thanks ❤))

have a great day guys (or what ever it is were you live)


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