Death's mistake

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Leisel gently picked up Rudy's fragile face so she could understand him.


"What did you say?" she asked fearful causation in her voice ,her eyes seemed to pierce the boy's heart and soul making him even more desperate not to tell her again."nothing.." his small voice stuttered.


Leisel's eyes became teary at that exact moment,"Rudy, she started her voice as fragile as a ceramic sculpture ,"your scaring me don't do that , she paused looming uncertain what to say next "your the only one I have left!" The boy with the lemon had finally realized at that moment he boys that lay line up on both sides of him , he was the only one left..

Hey guys tell me what you think of this chapter sorry I'll try to update more chapters soon but easter break starts this Thursday yayyy ! so I'll have more time to write chapters BTW : suggestions are welcome and criticism is welcome just not anything that will be too hurt full thanks    :p ~ fanfic_lover33 (Danielle)

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