19. The Oncoming Storm

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*3rd Person POV*

"Where's Mommy?" 

Mika Ji yawned, clutching his baby pink security blanket close to his chest with his wavy brown hair curling at the ends and bobbing with his every movement. 

"Mommy?" Nakoa poked his head out of the slide in the corner of their playroom, trying to see if his mother had magically appeared to kiss them good morning like he usually does. 

"No Mommy, he not here no more," Novalee sighed as she sat under the slide to draw. It had felt like forever since they had last seen their mother. There wasn't a day that the quads could remember without him. 

"He go bye bye," Rumi giggled and waved to the baby of the group who panicked, plopping himself down on his butt and breaking into tears. 

"Gigi? Are you okay?" Nakoa asked out of concern, hearing his brother's sad cry the little boy rushed down the curved yellow slide and into the plastic ball pit. Struggling as he swam through the seemingly endless sea of rainbow colors before reaching the edge and pulling himself out. 

Nakoa quickly engulphed his much smaller brother within his arms as he gave him a hug and covered his tearful cheeks in kisses to make him feel better.

"It's okay. It's okay Gigi," Nakoa cooed as Mika Ji whimpered and moaned, trying his hardest not to cry but he couldn't help it when he just wanted his mommy back. Nakoa accidentally underestimated his weight when he leaned in to hug Mika and the two went sideways, falling into the playmat. 

"What about Papa and Daddy?" Rumi asked and Nakoa stood up, leaving his crying baby brother on the floor as he turned in a small circle and couldn't see his daddy or papa in the playroom either. 

"Gone," Nakoa announced and now Rumi and Nova were in tears. 

"Guys!" Nakoa was a wreck as he now had three people to attend to. He went to Novalee first, crouching down under the slide patting her little bun like it was tail to try to comfort her.

"It's okay," He said in his rough scratchy voice. The little Nakoa hadn't been feeling well these past two days but it had gone unnoticed since he was always chasing after his brothers and sisters.

Nova was trying really hard not to cry and angrily stabbed the paper she was scribbling on with the blue marker as a form of cathartic release. Nakoa then left her for Rumi, rushing up the ladder to their slide where Rumi was wiping his tears. 

"I miss daddy," He cried and Nakoa pet his little cheeks to dry the tears.

"Soon!" He tried to reassure his brother but at this rate, Rumi had been convinced his three parents were never coming home. Giving up on his siblings, Nakoa stood up and shook his head with his hands on his hips.

"Drama, drama, drama," He tsked like his mommy would when the quads were causing trouble amongst themselves and Mika Ji rolled onto his side facing the window and suddenly stopped crying, hating it when people said he was drama when he couldn't help it.

But that wasn't the reason why he stopped crying. 

He had stopped because what he saw in the window told them they weren't alone.

Someone was watching them.

"Who?" Mika-Ji asked as he pointed to the window, trying to ask his siblings who the mysterious figure was but they were too busy whining to notice.

Mika sat up and stared at the figure, wiping away his tears and asking who it was until the door opened wide, scaring the little ones with its unexpectedness.

"What's going on in here?!" The little ones Mommy asked and all four of the quads quickly toddled towards their parents at the fastest speeds their little legs could take them.

"Daddy!" Rumi cried out when he saw one of his fathers poke his head in and instantly stopped crying, going down the slide with Nakoa and running towards them. 

"Aww, did you guys miss us?" Their Papa asked and Nakoa ran straight into his arms, giggling as he was picked up and swung into the air.

Novalee also ran towards her Papa, hugging his leg and demanding she be taken up to the sky too. Her Papa lovingly complied and lifted her up, hugging her Papa's strong shoulder. 

Mika, on the other hand, had their Mommy come to them, the tired looking man got down on one knee and cuddled his littlest baby who was pointing to the window. 

"Mommy who?" Mika asked and his Mommy looked towards where Mika was pointing.

The window now void of anything other than blue skies and the mountain view in front of their house.

"Who what baby? Did you see someone?" His Mommy asked and Mika nodded, snuggling his blanket while pressing himself close to his chest, taking in his calming mommy scent and nuzzling his little head against his shoulder. 

The quads mommy picked up Mika Ji with ease and walked towards the window out of curiosity, trying to find the person his son was talking about. Getting small goosebumps when there was no one to be found.

"Hmm," He hummed as he kissed Mika's head and cradled him close.

"You guys hungry for lunchtime? I think Samantha made something delicious for you guys," Their daddy announced and while Nova, Koa, and Roo cheered Mika stayed oddly quiet. Their Daddy quickly walking out of their playroom but their Papa stayed behind and came up behind their Mommy.

"Something wrong hon?" He asked as he shifted Nakoa on his hip, Novalee giving up on being snuggly and running behind her daddy instead.

"Mika said he saw something," Their Mommy whispered and Papa came up to the window.

"It was probably just a bird or something, come on," Papa said, gently ruffling Mika's thick baby soft waves and Mommy nodded.

"Yeah, you're probably right," 

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