Chapter 5: The Smell of Blood

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Blood is a touchy subject. Not all of us are Vegetarian and stay away from feeding on humans but not all of us. We're like animals like that, sharks maybe. I've never been good at explaining this to people, never had too. Geret had walked me to my door saying goodbye and waited for me to get inside as if making sure I was okay. When I got inside I was bombarded with questions from my siblings, it's like I was a seal and they were sharks ready to feed on their prey. I pushed my way past them putting on my headphones to block out their annoying voices. Music has a calming effect on me, it always has. I turned on my playlist not really paying attention. I began on my homework but my mind kept drifting to that brown haired boy. Geret was different I could feel it deep in my stomach. I stared out my open window that peered into Gerets room. His green eyes meet mine. How long has he been staring at me? I thought to myself. I didn't mind though, I leaned out my window smiling at him. "Take a picture, it will last longer!" He blinked a few times before realizing I'd caught him staring. "Oh! Uhhh...sorry Brina" He laughs and blushes. I had never had someone call me Brina. "Hold up! Stay there!" He yells running from the window and pulling out a Polaroid camera, snapping a picture of me and smiling. "There I took the picture you requested." He smiles waving the picture so it develops quicker. "Do I look good?" I knew I looked like garbage, but asked anyway. "You look beautiful!" His face light up as he said those words. They shocked me honestly. I couldn't help but giggle, he was so sweet not like most guys I meet. "You never told me when you were taking me out on that date, so when?" I asked this question not really expecting an answer. "How about tonight, after dinner, we can go to the lake and watch the sunset." I couldn't help but smile at this and nodded excitedly.

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