Chapter 2: The Brown Haired Boy

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I had moved to Phenoix, Arizona late that summer and has just got settled when a boy with a pretty face came over to welcome us to the neighborhood with his mother.

"Hi sweetheart! I'm Sandy!" Her voice was smooth and excited. "This is my son Geret" She motioned to the boy next to her. "you two look about the same age, maybe he could show you around sometime." 

I just nodded along knowing exactly what happened to the boys who came close. I could see him sensing something by the confusion on his face.

"Your quite pretty dear" She spoke again smiling "I think you two will get along nicely." She walked off, the brown haired boy following behind but stopping to sneak one more look at me. 

My big brother Marcus had seen the whole interaction "she's obnoxious!" He scoffed "And that Geret kid can stay away from my baby sister." 

Marcus was the typical overprotective big brother who did nothing but scare off boys and listen to fall out boy in his messy dark room. I had gotten used to the words since they were said by him in every city, in every state, in every country. I couldn't escape deaths grasps on my love life even though I didn't even want this annoying woman and her son in my life to begin with.

 My brother sat down next to me nudging my side "He was looking at you when he left, He is already obsessed Sabrina" He seemed to be scolding me but I didn't mind. "You need to learn to control yourself or he could be dead okay." I nodded pretending to care about the new boys well being but honestly I didn't. 

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