Chapter 3: Lost Your Breath?

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School has never been my friend, especially since I moved so much. I never quite settled into one place. The first day in this new hell came too soon. I woke early that morning, too early if you ask me. I changed into my form of comfort, skinny jeans and Marcus's old 'Fall Out Boy' tee shirt. I really didn't care about first impressions anymore seeing as I would most likely be gone relatively soon. I had packed my things the night before no thanks to my squirmy little sister Natasha who was no help at all. I grabbed my backpack, which happened to be the same one I've had for eight years but I didn't mind. I boarded the bright yellow bus instantly wishing I was right back in bed wearing my sweatpants. Two green eyes looked up at me and motioned for me to be seated next to him and I did. The boy was none other then Geret. A buff blond haired boy leaned over to me "So you Geret's girl!" He laughs. I turn to his dumb face and he begins to choke. I turn away from the boy allowing him to breathe again. "Lost your breath?" I said slowly disregarding the stares and whispers. I can tell the boy is staring but he says nothing, just how I like it. Cold dead silence fills my ears and stays that way the entire ride. We arrived at the place called school, though it didn't seem like one. I walked through the door and the water fountain spouted water soaking everyone in a three foot radius. I laughed to myself to not knowing Geret was standing next to me. "You alright?" His voice startled me. I turned to him "uh, yeah...Just not used to new schools." That was a lie, and the first one I ever said to his face. Not the first lie I've told myself though, classes were boring like every school, in every state, in every country. School was longer that I had hoped but the bus ride was just as short as I liked it. No one talked to me the entire ride and we sat in my favorite sort of silence,  scared silence. When I got off the bus Geret got off with me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I was expecting him to be flirtatious and joke with me like every guy I've ever met but he wasn't like that. He just walked next to me saying nothing to me. Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand intertwining his fingers with mine. My first victim in a new town.

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