Our Shoes - Our Mile

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Okay, let me make it clear to all of you. I don't know why it happens. I honestly don't. That's the way things were going ever since my birth, and I guess they'll stop if I die. However, I can't be sure, I mean, if one of my bodies dies, will I still sometimes be it or will I stay in the other, like all normal people do? And if I do become a dead person, will I be able to feel things? And what if a body dies when I'm it? Will I die as well?

Okay, let me start from the very beginning. My name is Gill. Yesterday it was Maya, and so it will be tomorrow. Confusing? Yes, even for me. I'm not even sure how to explain...

You know what a bipolar disorder is? It's when there are two or more characters, souls living in a person. I don't think there's even a name for my condition, but that's an opposite of the bipolar disorder. If people with that curse have few personalities in their bodies, I have two bodies for one personality.

Basically, one day I'm Maya, a badass girl with amazing spelling talent, and the other day I'm Gill, a strong guy with relegious parents. When I talk about myself, most of the times I don't refer to any of my bodies, but to my mind, my soul, my memory - everything I take with me when I change bodies. It always happens, and it always happens at nights, so I don't have any control over it.

My childhood was hard. When I was a little kid, it wasn't easy for me to understand why some days I'm a girl, and others - A boy. I tried to ask my parents in both bodies, but the answer was always one: "Gill(or Maya), stop fooling around!".

And I did. I understood that my body changes every day and, despite the fact that I can't understand it, I have to live along with it. I also understood that nobody else had two bodies, but didn't question it. There are things in this world that we can't understand, like God, the creation of the world or higher mathematics. We just have to know that they exist and live with them. That's easier than struggling, trying to work out all the answers.

So. Maya. She's a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She lives in Beacon Town, in a small wooden house with her parents and a young brother. She's great at spelling, literature and sport. Allergic to nuts. When she was little, she had found an injured baby spider and brought it up secretly from her parents. When they found out, the spider was too big to fit in her drawer, and so she was literally forced to let it go. However, it came to her window every day(I guess, half of the days I wasn't her) and she fed it cockroaches and bugs.

The other one is Gill. He's a boy with incredibly black hair and dark eyes. He lives in Champion City, and is the youngest kid in the family. He has an older sister, but she lives with her own family. Gill is a Christian, he wears a cross and deeply believes in God. Allergic to dust, so his room is always clean. Good at poetry and languages. Once had a pet dog called Blazey, but something happened to it and it died. It was fast and sudden, and that day I wasn't him, so I have no idea what it was.

Yep, one more thing about my condition: I don't know what happens to Maya or Gill when I'm a different person. When I become them, I have no memory of their previous day. Sometimes it's good(for example I don't remember writing some math exams, I'm terrible at it), but mostly every morning I have to try to understand what happened with that body the day before. The hardest things are promises and new friends, and sometimes it might be pretty irritating. Which led me to believe...

There's another one. Another soul, personality, call it how ever you like, that shares Maya and Gill with me. We constantly swap our bodies and replace each other. Hmm... I wonder if there are other people with the same problem I could talk with.

By the way, even though I am both Maya and Gill, I'm different every day. Let me explain, when I'm Maya, it's easier for me to pronounce words, I become more hot-headed and can't even look at nuts without disgust. However, when I'm Gill, I feel like praying, can eat nuts with pleasure, and can't stand cuss words. Guess, each body affects me in some way.

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