41: Private Nurse

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Jimin and Tae took the bus to the nearest hospital and rushed Tae to the emergency section, watching Tae being pushed on the wheelchair by the hospital staffs, Jimin made a quick phone call to the rest who were all shocked by the news, especially Jin who hung up immediately after hearing the word 'hospital'. Jimin entered the room where Tae was being treated, he walked towards the boy who was busy being wrapped up in bandages around his forehead, and small plasters across his cheeks and lips. Jimin stood behind the doctor and smiled at Tae innocently but all Tae did was glare at him with a 'you did this' look.

Once the doctor had finished bandaging him up, he left leaving the two boys alone. Taehyung sighed and laid down on his bed, oh how he had miss the hospital bed and the smell of medication that filled the halls of the building, yes Tae has some weird interest with hospitals which no one could ever understand why. Jimin still stood there, staring at him, Jimin didnt hesitate to hop on the bed, tossing his shoes aside and laying next to Taehyung who spooned him from behind, his right arm across the older's tiny waist, pulling his body against his chest,and hiding his face at the back of Jimins neck, inhaling his sweet scent. Jimin felt himself relax, resting his head back against Tae's chest. Jimin was about to snooze off when he felt Tae shifting behind him little by little, he tried to ignore him but couldn't, so he turned around till they were facing each other.

"whats wrong?" Jimin whispered

"I feel uncomfortable" Tae stuck out his tongue a little as he ran his right hand into his shirt, which looked like he was scratching something. Jimin looked down and help lifting his shirt up, a soft gasp managed to leave his lips as he saw the sight on Taehyungs body

"why whats wrong?" Tae tilted his head , trying to take a peek but jimin prevented him by pushing his forehead against the other, not letting Tae to bend his head down.

"u-um Nothing,its um, fine"

"Jimin its so obvious your lying"

"A-am not"

"then why're you stuttering?"

"Im um..cold?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and moved back, looking down at his bared chest, his eyes widen and Jimin just closed his. There were several red marks across his chest, complimented with more purple bruises by the sides.

"Jimin...what are you made of?" Taehyung groaned and Jimin pouted

"Im sorryyyyy i didnt know!"

"You bet you didnt"


"What am i gonna do about this now?" He sighed and Jimin thought for a second before shrugging.

"Should i um, call the nurse or something?" Taehyung nodded but then had an idea

"Jimin wait, no don't call the nurse"

"w-why not? don't you want to be treated?" Jimin asked as he pointed down at the bruises on his body.

"Yeah i know, but since you did this, you gotta undo it too" Tae smugly said, his hands resting behind his head as his top was exposed, Jimin just raised his eyebrows cockily

"Oh don't give me that look"

"How am i supposed to undo that?" Jimin asked and pointing at his bruises again

"Kiss it"



"No, what-why would i do that?" Jimin whisper shouted but Tae just rolled his eyes

"because i asked you so"

"Taehyung, thats un-logical, how are my kisses gonna treat it better?"

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