4: soft fight

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* Taehyungs p.o.v*

"Look , I don't want to figh-"

" why not? Are u a coward?"

"As I was saying , I don't want to fight but , you leave me no choice "  and with that Tae could feel his hands swing and slam right on that jerks face causing him to bleed ,

"Just give up now, yeah?" I say while wiping my knuckles that are covered in blood . I look over to that jerk who was now laying flat on the ground , unconscious , weak i thought to myself yet could act so tough, i look back up at the other three idiots who were already pale but ready to attack, i gesture them to come forward and one of them ran towards me but ran straight pass me and out of the door, i could feel my lips curve into a smile, and i laughed. 

" assholes" i mutter, loud enough for the pair to hear.

" what are you two waiting for? come on, be a man and fight!" I yell, i could feel the blood rushing through my veins, my hands itching to punch something, someone. 

" TAE NO WAIT!" someone yell from outside the door, i quickly turned to look at who it was, 

" Jimin?" and then i felt pain in my head and everything turned black. 


* third persons pov*

Tae laid on the bed , with a bruised up face, and with jimin next to him who had his head in his palms , cursing under his breath. Jimin and Tae made a promise to not get into fights and guess who broke the promise? jimin was furious , so mad he could possibly give the same punch across Tae's face but he couldn't , he was hurt just by seeing the condition Tae was in, this isn't the first time Jimin would see Tae in scars or bruises, and it was always because of a fight or Tae would like to cover it up by saying that he fell while playing basketball, which was a lie, Tae NEVER falls during basketball, he's like one of the best players. And this confused Jimin again, how could tae get punched when normally he's the one punching. According to people who have seen Tae fight, he never  misses and its like he's in a whole different character , which Jimin doesn't believe one bit. Jimin stopped thinking and thought that he would save the argument for later after he saw Tae's eyelids flutter open which suddenly made the younger sit up straight and looking around the room as if he was searching for something in a hurry.

" yah Kim Taehyung" Jimin said sarcastically which made the younger to slowly turn his head towards the older and a cheeky grin formed on his face which made Jimin scoff.

"Jiminieeee-" Tae cutely said but got cut off by Jimin.

" dont jiminieee me Tae, what did i say about no-more-fighting-?, I thought we promised, and you broke it????" Jimin said harshly although he didnt mean it but he knew he had to correct Tae and that was the only way to do it, Jimin noticed Tae's eyebrows turn to a frown and the cheeky smile was gone, Tae knew he fucked up and now Jimin is upset , but it isnt Tae's fault, the girl needed help and he was sure the help the girl needed was to bash those jerks up , he was almost done, until Jimin had to show up, he could have left that place unharmed ,if only jimin hadn't shown up, he could have scared those wimps away and the girl wouldn't be unbothered only IF JIMIN DIDNT HAVE SHOWN UP. It was as if Tae's thoughts were plastered on his face cause Jimin too was frowning. 

" If you didn't show up, I wouldn't be hurt " 

" well! It was right for me to stop you!" jimin whisper yelled, not wanting to have the school's nurse to chase him out.

" hah, stop me? you stopped me and this happened" Tae said pointing at his eyebrow instead of his cheeks where the actual bruise was, Jimin held back his laughter and said 

" Its on your right cheek, Tae" 

Tae's fingers immediately landed on his cheek and tried to act cool and continued saying 

" -you stopped me and this happened" this time Tae didnt do anything that would piss jimin more but made Jimin to go to him and hug him, Tae pouted.

"  i dont want to see you hurt Tae" Jimin's voice was now so soft and sweet Tae just wanted to stay there and hear him talk forever.


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