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that gif was so random lmao

It was Tuesday morning, the boys woke up lazily to the sound of birds chirping from Jimins alarm which he stated that its the best sound to wake up to and Taehyung strongly denies it but he doesnt have a choice now does he?. Jimin sat up straight , his hands supporting his throbbing headache. It was as if his brains were playing the drums in his head and it hurt too much making groan in agony. Taehyung got up to the sounds of Jimin groaning and scooted closer to him to know what happened but then remembered last nights event.

" Learned your lesson Chim?" Taehyung asked as he back hugged his boyfriend which Jimin immediately leaned against his chest,exhausted. Jimin just nodded weakly.

" wait here, i'll go get you some Panadols okay?" Jimin nodded and laid back down on the bed, covering his face with Tae's pillow. Taehyung got off the bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab some panadols and bring it back to Jimin. 

" Do you wanna go to school ?" Tae asked and Jimin shaked his head.

" You go, i'll stay here " jimin weakly stated

" But i wanna be with you Jim"

" I know, but you gotta go to school, we skipped school too much"Jimin mumbled under the pillow

Taehyung frowned, not being able to be with Jimin for several hours is torture at its finest. With a heavy sigh, Tae got up to go get changed, he couldnt fight back because no matter what Jimin wouldnt allow him to stay with it even though deep down Jimin felt sick seeing Tae leave. Once Tae got dressed for school, he walked to Jimins room to find Jimin sleeping soundly, tiredness and pain (his headache) appeared as dark circles under his eyes. Taehyung walked over to Jimin, pushed his bangs away from his forehead and gave a small peck on his forehead before hesitating to leave the house.

Before Tae left he made sure to prepare Jimins breakfast which was cereal in a bowl and next to it was a glass of milk to pour it in which is better than to leave a soggy bowl of cereal for him to eat. After making sure that Jimin would have everything he needed after waking up, he finally left the house.


"Where's Jimin?"  Jin asked, it was just recess and Taehyung felt like he was missing part of his soul. The boys were all seated together as usual but something in the group felt odd, Jimins absence really made an impact on them.

" He's having a migraine due to the excessive alcohol he had last night" Taehyung plainly stated, not making eye contact with any of the members. Jungkook who was sitting next to him frowned seeing his hyung, his cheeky and always smiley best friend upset.

" Hyung dont be upset , its just for a day, you'll see him later " Jungkook said while poking Tae on the shoulder cheekily but Taehyung didnt seem to care, it was as if he was dead inside.

"Yah Kim Taehyung, dont have to over react,  like what Jungkook said, its just for a day, dont be such a drama queen and be normal." Yoongi said and Taehyung had enough, he got up from his seat and made his way out of the cafeteria, everyones eyes were on him.

" He-he'll be fine." Namjoon said and gave everyone a supporting smile but secretly he was worried too.

Taehyung walked to the library and straight went to the back of the shelves where he would always sit and stash his favourite book away from other kids, it was his own secret hideout which only he knew, or so he thought. Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks as he saw someone else, sitting crossed legged and was very much engaged in whatever they were reading. Tae walked closer and froze, it was Jennie.

"wh-what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked which startled the other. Jennie immediately stood up wide smile plastered on her face as she lifted up the book she was reading to his face.

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