lose my mind

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ellise heard voices

it was constant, a never ending barrage of rage filled words screaming in her mind from a voice that wasn't her own

usually, it was always the same voice, deep and filled with unwavering, pure rage, there were a few other voices too, some popping more frequently than others

she self-medicated to try and rid her mind of the constant voices intruding in her brain, but all it did was get her addicted

it did nothing for the pain and headaches, but at that point, she was already used to the constant head-splitting pain that it didn't matter anymore, she was completely numb to the feeling

she had given up on trying to figure out or fix it, so she just went through the motions of her shitty life, taking pills and trying to pretend that there wasn't a someone screaming in her mind

and that worked well until a pair of brothers roll up into town and take residence in the shitty motel right next to her rotting apartment building

that's when all hell breaks loose and ellise come to the conclusion that maybe she isn't completely losing her mind

lose my mind || lucifer Where stories live. Discover now