Chapter 22: I Think I Might Be Pregnant

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It's been two weeks and I graduate next week. I'm super stoked for graduation even though I'm terrified of leaving high school. I look in the mirror to see that I look like a mess. I have five hours until Zoe's party so I better start to get ready.

I do the regular routine, shower, hair, makeup, and get dressed. I decide to wear a little red dress and some flats. This definatly doesn't look like me but I'm gonna make the best out of this party. As soon as I put on my flats I start to feel uneasy. I run straight to the bathroom and start throwing up. This has been happening for about two weeks and I'm starting to get sick of all this throwing up. I've also been super tired all the time and always hungry. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I shake my head to get rid of this feeling as I check the time. Thirty minutes until Zoe's party. Well I should probably start heading over to her place. I walk out of my room to the empty apartment. Since I was going to Zoe's party my mom decided to go have fun on her own. I walk out of the apartment to come face to face with my twin cousins, Trinity and Cassidy.

"Where are you going?" Trinity asks with a scowl on her face. I really don't know what her problem is. My cousins and I have never been close.

"Uh... to a party... why?" I ask them confused.

"You should take us with you," Cassidy replies.

"Uh I don't think so. You guys are only sixteen. I don't want to get into trouble with Dave and Rebekah to take you to a party you shouldn't even be at," I tell them, simply.

"Well if you don't take us then....we'll...uhm....we'll tell your mom that you're not a virgin anymore!" Trinity exclaims.

I roll my eyes as she says this. "My mom already knows I'm not a virgin. And who really cares if I'm a virgin or not, I'm eighteen. So nice try," I tell them.

"Then we'll tell her you don't want to go to college!" Cassidy says.

I roll my eyes once more. "There's nothing she can about that. And quite frankly I don't care what she thinks. I've never cared of what she thought of me!"

"Just please take us! We won't tell our dad or mom!" Trinity pleads.

I shake my head as I say sure. If anything happens to them its all on them. I'm not gonna babysit them if they come. We walk out of the building and starting walking down the street. Trinity starts complaining after walking for twenty minutes. I sigh and just ignore her. We finally arrive at the party and the girls were just struck with awe. I guess they've never been to a party before. As we walk into Zoe's place, I tell the girls to go have fun as I walk away.

"Hey girl!" Zoe exclaims as she walks over to me. "I'm like so glad you could come! And I'm sorry to hear about Shane. He's like a total dick."

"Uh yeah... he really is."

"Yeah did you see how fucked up he looks. Someone really took a beating on him. It makes me feel sort of bad for him though."

"Yeah not me. I could care less about him," I tell her.

"Uh yeah.. anyways, who were the girls who came with you? I've never seen them around before," Zoe tells me.

"Oh them? They're my dumbass cousins. Their sophmores, that's probably why you've never seen them around and they just moved here about a month ago."

"Oh well they will have a great time here! Hopefully they don't get in too much trouble. Anyways I'm gonna go mingle with other people. Go ahead and have a great time!" Zoe exclaims as she walks over to a group.

I sit on a couch and watch as my cousins are flirting with some guys. I just roll my eyes. That's when I spot Josie. "Hey Josie!" I exclaim catching her attention. "Over here!"

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