Chapter 20: First Time

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"Fang?" I say with shock in my voice while I look up at him. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks. I open my mouth to answer but before I could he speaks again. "I know why." He cups my face in his hands and gives me a small peck on the forhead. "Now listen, this may sound crazy but I need you to go with Zach over there," he says pointing his finger behind him. "He's gonna take you home."

"Are you crazy? He doesn't like me. What makes you think he'll actually take me home?" I ask in complete shock.

"Don't worry. I've already spoken to him. He knows if he doesn't take you home all in one piece I will kill him. All he really wants is for me to not change. Thats why he hated you. It was because once I met you I changed and he didn't like that. So don't you worry."

"No! I refuse to be anywhere near that asshole!" I exclaim.

"Please? For me? All I want is for you to be safe. So please just go with him so you can go home. I don't want you anywhere near Shane. He's dangerous."

"Yeah about that...Is what he said true? You and him being buddies and killing his girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yes we were friends but I didn't kill his girlfriend. He just came in at the wrong time. Anyways, you need to go," he says as he gives me a soft peck on my lips.

I slowly walk over to Zach and watch Fang run into the warehouse. I get into the car that Zach is standing next to and just sit there quietly. The whole car ride was quiet which I guess was good because I didn't really want to talk to Zach at all. As soon as we arrive to my apartment complex, I turn towards him. "Can I ask you something real quick?" I ask him.

"Uh...sure I guess," he says unsure.

"Why was Josie there?"

"She's our sister," he says simply.

"But how? When I told her who I was dating she freaked out saying that it was dangerous. Why would she say that about her brother? This whole thing is confusing!"

"Well she can't be calm about a friend dating a dangerous criminal. She's a good actress and we told her not to tell anyone who she was."

"Oh... well thats all I wanted to know," I say as I get out of the car. I couldn't believe she lied to me but I guess I don't blame her. I walk into the building where the doorman greets me. I slowly walk to the elevators. Kevin, the doorman, walks over to me as I was waiting for the elevator and gave me an envolope. I look down at the envolope and see that its from University of California. I don't even want to think about college right now. As soon as the elevator opens up, I step right in and click the floor of my apartment.

As soon as I step into the apartment, my mother immediatly shrieks of shock seeing me standing there. My uncle Dave walks up to me giving me a hug and immediatly starts ambushing me with questions. "Where have you been? What did the kidnapper look like? How did you escape?" I couldn't answer any of these questions and I just got home, I don't want to be ambushed with questions. Standing behind him was his wive, Rebekah, and their four kids. I push past Dave and just walk into my room.

When I walk into my room, I spot my cell phone on my nightstand, plugged into the wall. I grab the phone and dial Josie's number. She answers on the third ring with a "hello?"

"Hey Josie! It's me Skylar! Where's Fang?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I left him a little while ago. He told me to leave him so he could take Shane on himself. Are you okay?" she asks me.

"Uh.. Yeah I'm fine. I just want to hear Fang's voice again. And plus my Uncle Dave who is a police officer is asking me alot of questions and I don't know how to answer them. I can't tell him I'm dating a really dangerous guy!" 

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